no the subway cars use electricity to run
The Boeing 777 use the Pneumatics system.
A: I don't see why not LED are used on cars right now
Cars use hydraulics in the brakes and steering, and planes use hydraulics by adjusting the wings and rising and lowering the landing gear :P
Functional requirements describe function (mapping of inputs to outputs) of a system, what functions or services system should provide (to users).Use cases describe how user (use case actor) could interact with the system, i.e. functionality of the system available to actors (human users or another systems), from the actor's point of view.So, yes, use cases describe functional requirements. If we consider all functions provided by system as functions provided to actors - which is usually the case, use cases could be used to describe functional requirements of the system completely.
java is plateform independent language that runs on different opertaing system but .net is plateform enviorment that makes to different language indepedent to run here because all language code compile second time in CLR and make native cade
As you've pointed out, does is the plural of doe. You could say, "one doe, two does... ten does", that's perfectly correct. However, when you're speaking collectively, you'd use 'doe' as the plural: "a herd of doe", not a herd of does.
Most cars use a 12 volt system. Most cars built before about 1956 used a 6 volt system. Some, very few, use a 24 volt system.
Yes all new cars are injection
No. Homeowners insurance doe snot provide coverage for automobiles manufactured for use on public roads. That's what Auto Insurance is for.
Normally the III means that "John Doe III's" father and grandfather are named (grandfather) "John Doe Sr." and (father) is named "John Doe Jr.". Which would change their names to "John Doe I" and "John Doe II" when "John Doe III" is named. The naming can also skip a generation or even a nephew or grandnephew can continue the name. I have seen the use of the roman numeral system with female names also.
no, lsd are on M cars, new cars use the asb system for traction control with the open diff.
In most areas the answer is no, but depending on where you are at and whether or not the deer are in rut is the determining factor. If in rut then yes, use doe in estrus doe urine.
There were only a few cars in history the "Ignition System" started the car. For Example: The Rolls Royce cars in the early 20 th century had a system that allowed you to quickly advance the ignition lever and the car would start. In modern cars The ignition system starts to make a spark at exactly the right moment when the starter rolls the engine over. The terminoligy we use for how we start cars is due to the use of the Ignition Switch to also control the starter.
Usually smart cars are small and there features are good for a comfortable drive there fuel efficient system works very well and many people prefer to use smart cars
power steering is a system that assists the driver with turning the wheel so that they do not have to use as much force to turn the wheel. Most cars use a hydraulic system that uses fluid pressure to help push the wheels in the direction the driver wishes them to turn. Of a rare few cars an electric system is employed.