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tags. Here are some examples of how to use them:

This is my first paragraph. I would like for there to be a break between my paragraphs so I am splitting them up with p tags.

This is my second paragraph, there will be a line break between this paragraph and the one above it. This is the default practice of most browsers.

Alternatively you can write your text as a block with
tags as line breaks. ie:

This is my first paragraph. I would like for there to be a break between my paragraphs so I am inserting br tags between them.

This is my second paragraph, there will be a line break between this paragraph and the one above it due to my

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12y ago
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13y ago

A paragraph tag in HTML is a <p> tag. This tag is used to indicate paragraphs in HTML marked up documents. To correctly use this <p> tag you must have both the opening tag <p> and the closing tag </p>.

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11y ago

The paragraph tags marks the boundaries of a paragraph in code:

<p>Your paragraph here!</p>

Paragraphs are, by default, block level, so they'll clear elements above and below them by default.

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13y ago

<p>I am a Paragraph</p>

<p>I am another Paragraph</p>

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8y ago

The function of the paragraph tag in HTML is to create a paragraph. It is done by using the <p> tag.

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15y ago

<p>paragraph here</p>

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13y ago

it is <p> tag.

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Q: What HTML tag is used to create a paragraph break?
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What is a paragraph tag?

A paragraph tag is used within HTML syntax to create a section of text that the webpage interprets as a singular chunk (similar to a paragraph). Within HTML code, use the tags &lt;p&gt; and &lt;/p&gt; to denote data you want to display within the paragraph. For instance: &lt;p&gt;Text I want to display.&lt;/p&gt;

What is a tag used for providing space betwwn two lines in HTML?

you can either use an empty paragraph (&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;) or a line break &lt;br /&gt;

Is required to start new paragraph HTML document?

In an HTML document, to start a new paragraph, the &lt;p&gt; tag is used. Here p stands for paragraph and will start a new para.

How is HTML used?

HTML is used by placing tags at their proper position. A tag &lt;p&gt; is used for defining a paragraph.

What is the tag used to start and finish a paragraph in HTML?

Answer: to start a new paragraph u use &lt;p&gt; then to end we use&lt;/P&gt; Also in case you want to break from a line u can use &lt;br&gt; and end with &lt;/br&gt;

What are the alignments for Ptag in HTML?

&lt;p&gt; tag is used to define paragraph in HTML. It could be aligned anywhere in the page.

Uses of HTML?

HTML is the language used to create web pages.

What is the break element in HTML?

The break element is &lt;br&gt;. You would use this to make a new line when making a page in HTML. This can be used anywhere in HTML.

What type of pages are created with the help of HTML?

You can create any type of pages using HTML because html is a language used to create web pages for display in browser. And you can also create a static page by using HTML.

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What is the full form of BR in HTML?

The correct HTML form for BR is . BR is a tag to force a line break. It was introduced as a single tag, with no companion tag. The and tags work with older HTML, but for HTML 5, you need to have an ending tag for each tag. You can create your own ending tag by adding forward slash within the single tag: .

What HTML tag would you use to indicate a line break?

A tag is used to insert a line break. This tag is the HTML way of outputting a new line.