After 3 years of our marriage, my wife started acting really strange, she hardly pick up my calls at night anytime I was offshore working for two weeks On. I suspected that something was wrong somewhere because the change from her was too sudden. I became really suspicious, I discussed with a close friend of mine who advised me to get into her phone and read her conversations to know the truth. He referred me to smarthackers43@ g m a i l .c o m whom I later contacted. He was indeed Smart as I got all the information I needed. You can also try my method. He is way too good!! Donโt underestimate what he can do!๐๐คท๐ผโโ๏ธ
Computer professional
hacker is not a bacteria , or invisible man. we can see hackers. probably your question should be "can we find hackers?". hackers are not robbers or gang lords. they are same as common man but with some knowledge about computer's working. but crackers are hard to be found.
"Smithy" in the internet world was a computer hacker. Back in 2006 it is believed that he had over 15,000 infected computers which he used to carry out spam and DDoS attacks. He is also the known programmer of the computer virus "Snoopy" which made an appearance on's malware detections and definitions shortly after it had begun to spread.
If a hacker has gotten into your computer once, they will get in again. If you are unable to track down any programs that they left behind, you should seek professional help. As a last resort, backing up your important data and reformatting your computer will guarantee removal of these programs. Remember to always use strong passwords and to be suspicious of any programs you download from the internet.
a hacker is an intelligent person who an expert on programming languages and computer systems. Hackers enjoy breaking into computer systems and gaining unauthorized access to private networks for fun. They do not have evil intentions. They are copying data from your computer system and are less harmful whereas crackers are people who gets unauthorized access to an individual or organisation' s computer system to cause harm..
That sounds like a hacker--someone who breaks into a computer system without permission.
Computer + virus will give you hacker.
"Hacker" refers to a person who enjoys learning the details of computer system, how they work and stretch their capabilities. Hacker == Computer Enthusiast.Nowadays term hacker it is thought to be the same as the term cracker, which is wrong. "Cracker" refers to a person who attempts to break into a network computer system or software.There are about as many different definitions for the term "hacker" as there are hackers. Here are some opinions:A hacker is a programmer who breaks into a computer system to either steal information or delete it.A hacker is someone who breaks into computers.A hacker is a member of the computer programmer subculture.
it mean there is a hacker in your computer
Hacker. It is similar to being a computer programmer and is not gender specific.
well yes and no. hackers will be the ones who make the virus. depending on what virus it is. if it is a Trojan it is most likely done by a hacker because the virus itself steals information and gives control to your computer.
Charles Darwin
hacks computers
A hacker is a person that steals information from the computer. An example of this is, a hacker breaks into a bank and gets access to everyone's account and steals their money.
- A "hacker" is a brilliant and respected computer programmer or technical expert - A "cracker" is someone who tries to break into your computer or files without your knowledge and/or permission.
A backdoor Trojan horse is a malicious program that allows the hacker to view everything on your computer.