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yes i want to study automotive in South Africa

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Q: Want to study Automotive engineering degree in South Africa?
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Which Companies in South Africa offering mechanical engineering apprenticeships?

each and every company in south Africa

Where are some engineering jobs in South Africa?

There are numerous career opportunities in South Africa, including engineering jobs. Like in other countries such as the US and Canada, one can typically find employment in engineering positions in industries like the automotive industry, which is always in need of engineers to help keep businesses ahead of their competition. The easiest places to find such jobs are in larger cities, like Cape Town or Durban.

What are the main imports of south Africa?

sugar, oil, automotive parts, electronics

Why is civil engineering important for South Africa?

It is no more important for South Africa than any other country.

Names of civil engineering companies in South Africa?

Some of the civil engineering companies in South Africa includes BJK Solutions, Beavers Plumbing, Green Savings, Eledso Interiors CC, and B & S Construction. CMC Vault & Safe Projects is also a civil engineering company in South Africa.

Which universities in South Africa offer studies in telecommunications engineering?


Which is the highest paying engineering firm in South Africa?

mechanical engineer

Is the University of pretoria the best engineering university in south Africa?

Yes, it is

How much does an automotive engineer earn per year in south africa?

1 mollion rands

What is 30 south degree and 20 east degree?

30 S 20 E is Namaqualand, South Africa.

What is the absolute location for south Africa capital?

33 degree 55 south 18 degree 22 East