Digital sensors produce digital output (0 or 1) which can be easy to communicate directly with a microcontroller. Analog sensors provide analog outputs which one must firstly digitize to sense the level. Analog sensors are generally more accurate.
The ANALOG FILTER used in analog circuits.The DIGITAL FILTER USED IN DIGITAL circuits.
transducer convert one energy to other energy .now in analog transducer it convert energy use of analog signal and digital it converts use og digital signal
Analog is displayed in a clock like instrument digital is shoun in numbers
Analog signals are continuous while digital signals are discrete
If we discuss the different between these two forms of the signals that is; analog and digital then we should discuss it in different aspects such as working, their architectures, pros and cons as well. The major differences among the two signals are listed below
The ANALOG FILTER used in analog circuits.The DIGITAL FILTER USED IN DIGITAL circuits.
Analog would be like a sliderule which is based on logarithms. Digital would be like a calculator.
transducer convert one energy to other energy .now in analog transducer it convert energy use of analog signal and digital it converts use og digital signal
Analogue sensors are usualy more accurate :P
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The main difference between these scales it that the digital will give a more accurate and easier to read reading than figuring it out with the lines between the numbers the analog scale. However, the digital scale requires and battery and the analog does not.
Digital signals permit greater transmission of data over analog signals. The URL has quite a bit of useful information on the differences between analog and digital broadcasting
The basic difference is that in analog modulation the modulating signal is analog signal and in digital modulation it is in digital form.
Analog is displayed in a clock like instrument digital is shoun in numbers
Analog can reach higher speeds.
analog is a D'arsonal movement (an indicator needle over a scaled background) and a digital meter is a LCD display that has no movement