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A thread gauge is a tool used for identifying the particular thread on a bolt or screw. The gauge will have several blades with saw like teeth of different sizes. You match a particular gauge to the thread which will then tell you what size thread it is. gauges come in various pitches to match different screw threads. UNF, UNC, Whitworth, Metric etc. Each has a different pitch angle and thread per inch or millimetre.
An image of a thread gauge can be seen HERE

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What are sae screw threads?

S.A.E - Standard American Engineers. Now it is called as UNF i.e. Unified Fine threads.UNF (Unified Fine Thread)Standardised in 1918Angle of Thread 60o DegreesUnified Fine (UNF) and Unified Coarse (UNC).American threads consist of two common and easily obtained thread patterns known as U. N.F and U.N.C. U.N.F [national fine] is exactly the same as the old S.A.E [standard American engineers] that existed before threads were unified.U.N.C [national coarse] roughly derived from the British Whitworth have the same pitches except 1/2 in dia where Whitworth is 12tpi and U.N.C is 13 tpi.Both these threads are 60 degree angleEarly Harley and Indian motorcycles used 24tpi threads on most diameters5/16 and 3/8 UNF are both 24tpi but 1/4 UNF is 28 tpi and a special 1/4 x 24 thread must be used.7/32 x 24 UNC is an obsolete thread. In the late 1960's, when even the U.S. was thinking of going metric, the giant BSA corporation decided it was finally time to scrap the 19th Century Whitworth-based system, and switch to American. Since they had lots of money invested in tooling, the switch wasn't made suddenly (or completely), so bikes and cars from the late '60's and later had a mix of all sorts of thread forms. Typically, engine internals (e.g. the thread on the end of a camshaft) stayed with whatever form it used to have, while simple fasteners (e.g. holding the mud guards on) switched to UNF.

What is Gauge's birthday?

Gauge was born on July 24, 1980.

When was Gauge born?

Gauge was born on July 24, 1980.

What are the different colors of intravenous cannula and gauge?

orange - gauge 14gray - gauge 16green - gauge 18pink - gauge 20blue - gauge 22yellow - gauge 24

How thick is 24 gauge copper?

The thickness of 24 gauge steel is 0.0250 inches or 0.635 mm (USG).

What is 4mm in gauge thickness?

4mm sheet metal falls 24 gauge and 25 gauge. 24 gauge sheet metal is 3.175mm (0.125") thick, and 25 gauge sheet metal is 6.35 (0.25") mm thick.

What is the thread size of a stabilizer on a bow?

5/16"- 24

When was Gauge - entertainer - born?

Gauge - entertainer - was born on 1980-07-24.

Is 24 gauge thicker than 18 gauge?

Smaller number is thicker metal.

How old is Gauge?

Gauge is 31 years old (birthdate: July 24, 1980).

When was Common Thread - The Oak Ridge Boys album - created?

Common Thread - The Oak Ridge Boys album - was created on 2005-05-24.

What AWG gauge is most common for cross-connect jumpers?