Parallel with any component like R or C or L or any 2 nodes of the circuit. Feel free connecting VMs anywhere in your circuit keeping in the proper Range/scale selector/AC-DC selector . That makes no damage
Ammeters are connected in series with the load under test. This requires the load be disconnected from the source, and the ammeter placed in circuit. Voltmeters are connected in parallel with the load under test. This does not require any circuit changes. Sorry, but WikiAnswers does not support illustrations.
Depends. What did you want to measure? If it's voltage drop across the incandescent element, then you had better hook up your infinite resistance voltmeter in parallel with the lamp.
The positive terminals in voltmeters and ammeters are generally indicated by a red coloring and a + (plus) symbol. Negative is generally black and - (minus).
explain trouble shooting methdology
DC voltmeters take the average of a set of samples. AC voltmeters work out the RMS voltage (root-mean-square) of the signal which is defined as: VRMS = The square-root of the intergral over one period of v2(t)
ammeters measure the flow of electricity voltmeters measure the pressure of electricity
Voltmeters are connected to simple series circuits the same way they are connected to any circuit. They are connected in parallel with the portion of the circuit for which you wish to measure the voltage drop.
Voltmeters provide a direct, difference of potential measurement or test.
This why they make voltmeters! This is why they make voltmeters!!
There are two main types of digital voltmeters: integrating digital voltmeters and integrating analog-to-digital converter voltmeters. Integrating digital voltmeters are based on the principle of integrating the input voltage to measure it accurately, while integrating ADC voltmeters use an analog-to-digital converter to convert the input voltage to a digital reading.
Ammeters are connected in series with the load under test. This requires the load be disconnected from the source, and the ammeter placed in circuit. Voltmeters are connected in parallel with the load under test. This does not require any circuit changes. Sorry, but WikiAnswers does not support illustrations.
Depends. What did you want to measure? If it's voltage drop across the incandescent element, then you had better hook up your infinite resistance voltmeter in parallel with the lamp.
The positive terminals in voltmeters and ammeters are generally indicated by a red coloring and a + (plus) symbol. Negative is generally black and - (minus).
explain trouble shooting methdology
The leads of the voltmeter are labeled that way to get a positive readout when you connect the positive lead to the positive terminal of the battery (and negative to negative). Digital Voltmeters will read negative voltage if connected backwards. Voltmeters with a needle, would have the current flowing in such a way that the needle would try to deflect 'below zero' because the needle windings are designed for the current to flow in one direction, to cause positive deflection of the needle.