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A ecosystem having significant biodiversity

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Q: The widest variety of genetic material that can be used by humans for future agricultural or medical research would most likely be found in?
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How much money does a medical research scientist earn?

"How much money does a medical research scientist earn?" Well approxmently they earn about 82,000 dollars a year, not including and benefits.

What are the working conditions of a robotic engineer?

They may work in agricultural, military, medical and manufacturing companies. Work conditions vary in the field of work you prefer. The most recommended is military and medical.

Is anyone aware of whether or not woman's hair transplantation is as a rule eligible for health insurance reimbursement if needed due to the woman's genetic and or medical history?

I think your question depends on if it's a medical necessity

What are five types of genetic engineering?

AnswerThe three types of genetic engineering are:Applied genetic engineering which includes cloning and transgenesis.Chemical genetic engineering which includes genes mapping, gene interaction, and genes codingAnalytical genetic engineering which includes computer mapping.

Examples of genetic engineering?

Medical applicationsDiagnosis of hereditary disorders, such as Huntington's disease and certain forms of breast cancerResearch into the causes of other disorders. Investigation of new drug targetsPrevention through new vaccines or conduct based on genetic testsNew forms of treatment using new drugs or gene therapyPositive identification of individuals, paternity tests or forensic scienceNutritional and agricultural applicationsImproving desired properties (improving storage or shelf-life) and modifying composition to better nutritional value or for technical applications (oil, starch)Resistance to disease and insects in order to improve cost efficiency and reduce the use of agricultural chemicalsAdaptation to locations with marginal soil conditions in order to stabilize production, particularly in developing countriesIndustrial applicationsResource-saving production of chemicalsProduction of drugs and food additives using genetically modified organismsDegradable plastics, detergents, enzymes, etc.Use of specific microbes for soil and wastewater treatment (grey genetic engineering)hibyei lov ya world

Related questions

What is the purpose of manipulating DNA?

Manipulating DNA can be done for various purposes such as genetic research, medical treatments, and agricultural advancements. It allows scientists to study genes, develop new therapies for genetic disorders, and create genetically modified organisms with desirable traits.

What are the possible future applications for RNA interference?

Potential future applications for RNA interference include targeted cancer therapies, treatment for genetic disorders, antiviral treatments, and agricultural improvements through pest control or crop enhancement. Research is ongoing to explore how RNA interference can be harnessed for these and other medical, agricultural, and industrial applications.

How are the discoveries of DNA important to genetics?

The discoveries of DNA have been crucial to understanding genetics because DNA carries our genetic information in the form of genes. By studying DNA, scientists can identify mutations, gene functions, hereditary diseases, and genetic variations, which are essential for advancing medical research and personalized medicine.

Is cloning good for medical research?

Cloning can be a useful tool for medical research as it can help in studying genetic diseases, developing new treatments, and understanding how genes work. However, there are ethical concerns and controversies surrounding cloning that need to be carefully considered and addressed.

What is a DNA fingerprint Why is it important?

A DNA fingerprint is a unique pattern of DNA fragments that can be used to identify individuals based on their genetic profile. It is important in forensic science to solve crimes, in paternity tests to confirm relationships, and in medical research to study genetic diseases.

What is medical research?

medical research is research done on new diseases. And medicines to treat them.

Is medical marijuana an agricultural product?


Why clone animals?

Animals are cloned for various reasons, including scientific research to study genetic mechanisms, agricultural purposes to reproduce livestock with desired traits, and conservation efforts to preserve endangered species. Cloning can also be used in medical advancements to produce animal models for disease research and drug testing.

What topics are included under the topic of bioethics?

Bioethics covers ethical issues related to medical research, patient care, genetic testing, end-of-life decisions, organ transplantation, and reproductive technologies. It also includes considerations of medical confidentiality, informed consent, and the rights of patients and research subjects.

What type of bank keeps its deposits at minus 196 degrees centigrade?

A cryogenic bank keeps its deposits at minus 196 degrees centigrade. This ultra-low temperature storage is often used for preserving biological materials like cells, tissues, and genetic material for research and medical purposes.

Why do scientists think it is valuable to link genetic codes with medical histories?

Scientists think it is valuable to link genetic codes with medical histories for diagnosis and management of genetic disorders.

How can men get Turners disease?

They cant. The disease is caused by a lack of genetic material on the second x chromosome occurring in women. Or at least that's the medical establisments best guess.