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In sexual reproduction, genetic material from two separate organisms is combined in the offspring. The other alternative is asexual reproduction, in which the genetic material for the offspring comes from just one parent.

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15y ago

The production of gametes is termed gametogenesis. In diploid organisms, it is a process by which diploid or haploid precursor cells undergo cell division and differentiation to form mature haploid gametes. Depending on the biological life cycle of the organism, gametogenesis occurs by meiotic division of diploid gametocytes into various gametes or by mitotic division of haploid gametogenous cells. For example, in vertebrates, meiosis in diploid organisms reduces the number of sets of chromosomes from two to one (i.e., produces haploid gametes from diploid gametocytes). On the other hand, plants may produce gametes through mitosis in gametophytes. The gametophytes grow from haploid spores after sporic meiosis. The existence of a multicellular, haploid phase in the life cycle between meiosis and gametogenesis is also referred to as alternation of generations. Organs that produce gametes are called gonads in animals, and archegonia or antheridia in plants.

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Meiosis is the genetic reproductive process by which two diploid organisms each donate half of their chromosomes to form a zygote which in turn will become the offspring.

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Q: The process which gametes from two parents combine to from one new cell?
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Does every cell have genetic material?

No, the gametes or sex cells contain only half of the chromosomes of a body cell so the gene count would not be equal.

How could cloning help infertile couples have children?

Cloning can help infertile couples to have 'children' but as kid-twin of the mother or the father. Children would be genetically brother or sister of the either parents. P.S. - Cloning needs somatic (body) cell chromosome unlike in natural births (requiring gametes - reproductive cells).

Does cossing over lead to genetic variation?

Crossing over: exchange of parts of DNA in a homologous chromosome in the area where they come in contact with each other. Then this chromosome splits, during meiosis, to form a daughter cell (gamete) with a haploid number of chromosomes. During fertilization, the two gametes fuse into one cell containing now a diploid number of chromosomes. This process leads to genetic diversity and variation.

What is molecular cloning?

cellular cloning is the process of making a populaion of cells from a single cell. cellular cloning is the process of making a populaion of cells from a single cell. cellular cloning is the process of making a populaion of cells from a single cell.

How is genetic information passed down from one generation to the next in plants?

Genetic information in plants is passed on from one generation to the next just like in any other living organisms. This is through genes. Genes are parts of the chromosomes whose greater part is the DNA. Through the process of meiosis (which is cell division) the number of chromosomes in a cell is halved. this leads to gametegenesis which is the formation of gametes. each resulting cell with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell carries all the genes.

Related questions

What is the process by which haploid gametes combine?

The process by which haploid gametes combine is called fertilization. During fertilization, a sperm cell (male gamete) and an egg cell (female gamete) fuse together to form a zygote, which is a diploid cell with a complete set of chromosomes. This marks the beginning of a new organism's development.

Why do gametes need 12 the number of chromosomes of a regular body cell?

Gametes require half the number of chromosomes of a somatic (regular) cell as gametes are the sex cells. When gametes combine to make a zygote (a fertilised cell), the complete number of chromosomes will be present.

How do gamates go to the over to offspring?

Gametes from both parents combine during fertilization to form a zygote, which eventually develops into an offspring through cell division and differentiation. The genetic material from both gametes is passed down to the offspring, determining its unique characteristics.

What process Are Gametes produced?

Gametes are produced through a process called meiosis, which involves two rounds of cell division. During meiosis, a germ cell undergoes DNA replication and genetic recombination to produce haploid gametes with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. This process ensures genetic diversity in offspring.

What process are gametes produced through?

Gametes are produced through the process of meiosis. Meiosis is a type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in a cell by half, resulting in the formation of haploid gametes.

What is the term for a reproduction cell?


In which process do gametes divide?

Gametes divide during the process of meiosis. Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces reproductive cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell, resulting in the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells).

In sexually reproducing species the number of chromosomes in each body cell remains the same from one generation to the next as a direct result of?

the process of meiosis. During meiosis, germ cells undergo two rounds of cell division to produce gametes (sperm and eggs) with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. When these gametes combine during fertilization, the full complement of chromosomes (from both parents) is restored in the offspring.

What is another name for an immature egg cell?

gametes, sex cells, haploid cells. the process is meiosis.

When gametes combine what will not happen?

During the process of gamete fusion, it will not create a new organism with unique genetic characteristics like a somatic cell division would. Instead, it will lead to the formation of a zygote which contains a combination of genetic material from both parents.

What does Syngamy occur between?

Syngamy occurs between two gametes, typically a sperm cell and an egg cell, during the process of fertilization. This fusion of the gametes leads to the formation of a zygote, which is the first cell of a new organism.

Fertilization occurs when the chromosomes of gametes combine true or false?

True. Fertilization is the process in sexual reproduction where the sperm cell fuses with the egg cell, combining their genetic material to form a new individual with a unique set of chromosomes.