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The opposition to the formation (not 'flow') of magnetic flux is the ampere per weber (often spoken as 'ampere-turn per weber'). This is derived from dividing the magnetomotive force produced by a winding, expressed in amperes (often spoken as 'ampere-turns'), divided by the resulting magnetic flux. expressed in webers.

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Q: The opposition to magnetic flux as it flows through a magnetic circiut is?
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How demagnetize an electric motor?

A transformer winding only produces a magnetic field when current flows through it. Switch the current off, and the magnetic field disappears. You do not need to 'demagnetise' a transformer winding.

How does current flows when inductor n capacitor r in series?

The stronger the magnetic field on your inductor the greater amount of current you will have flowing through your series circuit.

How does an auxiliary transformer work?

Auxiliary transformer- current transformer The current transformer is working based on two theories. 1.Ampheres law. 2.Faradays law. whenever a current flows through the conductor it will produce magnetic flux around the conductor. based on above principle- current flows through the primary will induce a magnetic flux in the CT core. Faraday law- whenever a conductor cuts the magnetic flux or magnetic flux cuts the conductor will induce a emf across the conductor based on above principle- the magnetic flux in the core will cuts the windings. so emf is induced across the secondary terminals . whenever the secondary terminals connected with burden will make a closed path and current flows through the secondary to burden.

Is aluminium magnetic when a current is passed throu it?

When current flows through any conductor, there is a magnetic field around the conductor. It doesn't matter what substance comprises the conductor. I guess that means that aluminum wire can be an electromagnet, but not a permanent one.

What is the effect of field current on dc motor?

The field current of a dc motor provides the magnetic field that allows the motor to develop a torque when current flows through the armature..

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When a electric current flows through a wire it creates a?

When an electrical current flows through a wire it creates what is called an Electro Magnetic Field.A magnetic field is create when an electric current flows through a wire.

Does electricity flow through wire or around its magnetic field?

Electricity flows through the wire, while the magnetic field surrounds the wire. The flow of electricity creates a magnetic field around the wire, known as the right-hand rule.

When current flows through coil wire you have?

When current flows through a coil wire, it creates a magnetic field around the wire. This magnetic field can be used to generate a force when interacting with other magnetic fields, such as in an electromagnet or an electric motor.

What determines the strength of the magnetic field when current flows through a conductor?

Magnetic fields currently flows through a conductor is determined by multiplying the number of turns of wire by the current flow. This is what causes electricity.

What happens to the coil when a current flows through?

When a current flows through a coil, it generates a magnetic field around the coil according to Ampere's law. This magnetic field can attract or repel other nearby magnetic materials and can induce a voltage or current in nearby conductors through electromagnetic induction.

What is produced around a wire when an electric current flows through a wire?

A magnetic field is produced around a wire when an electric current flows through it. This magnetic field is directed along circular lines around the wire.

What is formed around the conductor whenever an electric current flows through a conductor?

A magnetic field is formed around the conductor when an electric current flows through it. The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the magnitude of the current flowing through the conductor.

When current flows through a coil of wire?

When current flows through a coil of wire, a magnetic field is produced around the coil. This magnetic field can induce a voltage in nearby conductors, creating electromagnetic induction. The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the amount of current flowing through the coil.

What causes a magnetic field to be produced around a wire?

Current flows through a wire and produces a magnetic field.

In an electromagnet electricity converts to what type of energy?

In an electromagnet, electricity converts to magnetic energy when an electric current flows through the wire coil, creating a magnetic field.

When a current flows through the coil does it become a magnet?

Yes, when a current flows through a coil of wire, it generates a magnetic field around the coil, making it act like a magnet. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetism. The strength of the magnetic field can be controlled by changing the amount of current flowing through the coil.

What happen to magnetic compass if the current is changed?

If an electric current flows through a wire, it will create a magnetic field. ... a ship or an airplane, it can damage or otherwise change the ship's magnetic compass.