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chromosome 15 it causes the build up of a chemical called gangliosides because the defect causes the body to lack production of the protein hexosaminidase which breaks down the chemical.

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the nervous system

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Q: Tay-Sachs is a genetic disorder characterized by a deterioration of the?
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What type of genetic disorder is muscular dystrophy?

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Tay-Sachs disease has an eye spot that is red on the back of the retina.

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Down syndrome is the genetic disorder characterized by varying degrees of mental retardation. It is caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. Symptoms of Down syndrome can vary widely, but intellectual disability is a common characteristic.

What disorder is characterized by a lack of protein dystrophin?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the disorder characterized by a lack of protein dystrophin. This genetic disorder affects muscle function and leads to progressive muscle weakness and degeneration. It primarily affects boys and can result in mobility issues and other complications.

What is the medical term meaning a common genetic disorder characterized by bent and twisted red blood cells?

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Which genetic disorder is characterized by a buildup of fatty tissue in the nervous system?

Tay Sacks disease is a genetic disease in lipid is accumulated in brain .It also called lysosomal storage disease .

What is a sentence using the word genetic disorder?

i have a genetic disorder

How does studying genetic disorders such as pku help biologist understand normal alleles?

PKU is a genetic disorder that, when untreated, is characterized by mental ... but, in a person with PKU, this enzyme is defective.

Is hemophilia considered a genetic disorder?

It is a disorder which is passed on through your genes. It's actually quite simple. You see, hemophilia is hereditary, hence the "genetic". Then, it is a disorder of the blood, hence "disorder". "Genetic Disorder".