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Antifreeze smelling white smoke or fog coming from the vents means you have a leak in the heater core or one of the connections to it. This will only get worse and needs to be repaired before you loose all your coolant. If it smells like burning leaves or grass then it is possible that leaves have found their way into the heater box. A lot of vehicles use a resistor block that is mounted in the heater box to provide resistance for the various blower speeds. When the blower fan is on low speed - then one of these resistors is in series with the blower. The resistor will become quite hot ( normal ) and since it is mounted in the heater box, the air flow will cool it. However if leaves or other foriegn material has found its way into the heater box - these can burn if they come in contact with the resistors. Usually it will happen once and the problem goes away. If it smells like plastic burning - then you may have a wiring issue.

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Q: Smoke coming from defrost vents 97 grandam?
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Nope, that would be steam.

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replace the heater core

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heater core

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you need a new heater core

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It is not smoke. It is steam. Moisture is making the gurgling sound and moisture coming in contact with a warmer surface (the coil) is evaporating making steam.

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sounds like your air conditioner compressor is bad.

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The year, make and model would help but many vehicles use vacuum to operate the direction of air flow through the floor vents, dash vents and defrost vents. If the vacuum supply is cut off for whatever reason the system defaults to defrost only. So if you only have the defrost mode working chances are the vacuum supply is cut off. Check the HVAC vacuum supply line under the hood for damage. If that system seems to be working but you have insufficient air flow through all of the vents, check/replace the cabin filter if applicable.

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Could be an incorrect refrigerant charge in a/c system

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