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The Role of the Computer Network in Information Technology:

Information Technology talks about computers, devices, and also networking, the roles may lead as (Supportive, Active, Professional, Fixer, Fast Learn, and Hardware)

Networking ASCC:

(internet, Browsing, Supportive, Facial Studies, and Inside Computer)

Those are important role of a computer network, school in public and nation shall proud!

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What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of technology?

Before we can know about all the advantages and disadvantages of information technology, it is essential that we know what information technology is exactly, and why it has it come to play such a important role in our daily lives. Today information technology involves more than just computer literacy; it also takes into account how computers work and how these computers can further be used not just for information processing but also for communications and problem solving tasks as well.

What is the role of the W3C?

The w3c is an industry consortium run by the laboratory for computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), US

What strategic role can information technology play in business process re engineering and total quality management?

The strategic role of IT in business to re engineer total quality management is the combination of information technology and human business strategies. For this to be accomplished, by the IT manager and the supervisor to have good communication skills.

What is the role of technology in today's society?

the role of technology is pretty simple now.... but humans make sacrifices of their eternity by using these things......mainly for entertainment......

What is the role of science and technology to mankind?

Science and technology makes our life comfortable and luxurious. Had there been no science or technology, there wouldn't have been any developments and civilizations.

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Computer depending on another computer in network?

in this case , the another computer take the role of server

Role of information technology in india?

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The role of information technology in environment is to facilitate research and communication. It can also be used in terms of creating awareness on the need to preserve the environment.

What are sample topics on information technology thesis?

The impact of artificial intelligence on cybersecurity measures. The role of blockchain technology in securing online transactions. Evaluating the effectiveness of cloud computing in enhancing data storage and accessibility. The implications of Internet of Things (IoT) on network security and privacy.

Explain the role of executive support system in Management Information System?

The general area of Information Technology (IT) that concerns configuring and managing computer resources, especially network resources is referred as system management. It is based on information system that consolidates and summarizes ongoing transactions within the organization. It provides top management with all the information it requires at all times from internal and external sources.

What is the Role of information technology in science and technology under present scenario?

Bonjour :D

What is the role of computer?

Information Technology is a 'classification' term that defines all components of the systems that gather, share and store information. A computer is a component of the 'IT' division. Other components are the Network devices (routers, switches, hubs, etc.), communication devices (Modems, PBXs, etc.), storage devices (optical drives, mass storage drives, back up units, etc.), etc.

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AnswerRole of information communication technology in Indian economic growth?AnswerRole of information communication technology in Indian economic growth?

1 What is the role of databases in computer-based information systems?

The role of databases in computer-based information systems is to offer a management platform. The database will have various controls to the information systems.