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Q: Processing tasks occur on the
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What are examples of batch processing?

Batch processing enables work to be done simultaniously whilst the workers are able to play football in the courtyard whilst production is taking place. this can occur in the workplace and is highly recommended to anyone who wishes to try this. An example of batch processing is the way that credit card companies process billing. The customer does not receive a bill for each separate credit card purchase but one monthly bill for all of that month's purchases. The bill is created through batch processing, where all of the data are collected and held until the bill is processed as a batch at the end of the billing cycle.

What ate the different between manual data processing and electronic data processing?

What are the important of electronic data processing and manual data processing? What_are_the_importants_of_electronic_data_processing_and_manual_data_processing

What are the methods used to minimize the average flowtimes of tasks?

Actually, If the problem is only for processing n jobs on only one machine, the solution to minimize the average flow time is easy by using SPT method (short processing time). The method goes by assigning the jobs with short processing times first . But the problem becomes more challenging when there are m machines; in this case Johnson algorithm is used which only guarantees the optimality for two machines only . For more than two machines, integer integer programming modes are used.

What are the differences between ancient method and modern method of data processing?

The main difference is that the ancient computers were people and, brilliant as the human brain is, it is fallible; it makes mistakes. It is also extremely slow (although, at the time, there was no faster method of processing data). Modern data processors are machines and machines don't make mistakes, provided the machines are programmed correctly and the data is input correctly. They are also capable of performing highly repetitive tasks extremely quickly, capable of processing vast amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human.

What is the best method of data processing?

There are different methods of data processing. Some methods are manual data processing, mechanical data processing, online processing, batch processing and electrical data processing.

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Processing tasks occur on the motherboard?


When does background processing occur?

In computing, background processing happens when the CPU (CPU's) have spare capacity from on demand requirements and can perform tasks without affecting the response time of the user.

Where do processing task occur?

Processing tasks in computers such as calculations are mostly performed in CPU's or any other part that is used and has processing, calculation capabilities. Most chips in a computer are for processing. Processing in a general way happends everywhere, from disk drive and port controllers on the ports to the CPU and controllers that control the RAM. These things also do some kinds of processing.

Why is parallel processing needed?

Parallel processing is needed to speed up computations by splitting tasks among multiple processing units, enabling them to work simultaneously. This approach can significantly reduce processing time for complex tasks that can be broken down into smaller, independent parts. Additionally, parallel processing provides redundancy and fault tolerance as tasks can be rerouted to other available processors if one fails.

What are the instructions that are sent to the CPU for processing called?


Give examples of tasks for which word processing software will be ideal?

Give examples of tasks for which word processing software will be ideal;is when you cant write because of an injury or diability.

What are the management tasks in distribution?

Tasks in physical distribution include - transport - warehousing - inventory - order processing

When does data processing occur?

Processing occurs after data have been entered into the computer.

What is interactive processing in terms of process?

Performance of tasks that involves continual exchange of information between the processes is known as interactive processing.

What are the four tasks of computing?

ComputationSimulationCommunicationJudicious avoidance of infinite loops!

What is DeNIST Document Processing software used for?

DeNIST Document Processing software is used for document processing tasks, such as organising and storing documents and filtering document searches as necessary.

Where does the main information processing occur in a computer?

The processor (aka CPU - Central Processing Unit)