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Not true - Moving a wire through a magnetic field doescreate a current flow in a wire.

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Q: Moving a wire through a magnetic field does not create a current flow in a wire?
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Does an inductor absorb electrical energy?

Yes, both capacitors and inductors are capable of storing energy. Capacitors store electrical energy in form of electrical charge and inductors in form of magnetic field. - Neeraj Sharma

WHY It is easy to convert an AC to a higher or a lower voltage with transformers?

AC current is constantly alternating between moving back and forwards, this maintains a changing electromagnetic field around it. This principle is used to power a AC transformer, which is made of very simple materials (copper wire and a lil bit of iron usually) and has no moving parts. DC current is moving all in the same direction. This creates a static field as no change is occurring. Transformers rely heavily on that changing magnetic field to carry out induction and change voltages, DC power was historically put through a commutator or later an Interrupter to create movement in the magnetic field. A commutator is the active element in little electric motors that makes them spin and an interrupter is similar to those old school morse code devices that pulses (switches on and off rapidly) the DC signal to create a field travelling up and down. Once the filed has some movement in it, it was sent into an AC transformer and then converted back. The process has evolved since then, but is still reliant on a changing magnetic field.

How inductance is produced when electric current passes through a conductor?

Electric charges interact with changing magnetic fields. All magnetic field changes can be thought of as the magnetic field moving. If the magnetic field strength is increasing then it is the same as a magnet being brought nearer while a decreasing magnetic field is the same as if a magnet is being pulled away.The force a charge experiences is the result of several factors. The direction of the force depends on the polarity of the charge, whether it is positive or negative, the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of relative motion between the charge and magnetic field. The magnitude of the force, its strength, depends upon the amount of charge, the strength of the magnetic field and the speed of the relative motion between them.So you can make charges inside a piece of wire move by waving a magnet near the wire. If the wire makes a circuit, then you get electric current flowing through that circuit. A generator is a device which uses the interaction between charges and changing magnetic fields to create electric current. Generators require a source of mechanical energy to run. Portable generators typically use gasoline while generators used by the electric power company can be driven by water, wind, coal, natural gas or the heat from nuclear fission. Coal is the most common source of energy for electricity in the United States.

Why use capictor in motor?

To create rotating magnetic field inside motor stator and it is done by capacitor. current drawn by motor running winding is lagging in nature when capacitor is connected in series with starting winding then the phase angle of running winding current and starting winding currents changes which creates a rotating magnetic field and motor is able to run.

When can voltage be induced but not current?

"Induced" is the verb you are looking for. A current is induced in the secondary circuit by the current in the first changing, provided both conductors are close enough for the driving current's electro-magnetic field to enclose the second conductor. Note that word "changing". Direct current produces a field but that remains constant and does not induce a secondary current, as a.c. does.

Related questions

How do moving electrical charges create magnetic fields?

When electrical charges move through a conductor, they create a magnetic field around the conductor as a result of electromagnetic induction. This is described by Ampère's law in electromagnetism, which states that a current-carrying conductor produces a magnetic field that circulates around it. The strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the current flowing through the conductor.

Why the output voltage from a transformer is zero if a direct current flows through the primary coil?

A transformer relies on AC current flowing through the primary to set up changing magnetic fields in the core. The field flows through the core and in to the secondary of the transformer, generating an AC current. The current must be AC, otherwise the magnetic field in the core of the transformer will saturate. In the same way, the armature of a dynamo or alternator must be moving in order to create a changing magnetic field to create current through the windings.

When an electric current is passed through a coil what does this create?

A magnetic field.

What do moving electrical charges create?

-- Electric charge that's moving is the definition of electric current.-- It creates a magnetic field in its neighborhood.

When a electric current flows through a wire it creates a?

When an electrical current flows through a wire it creates what is called an Electro Magnetic Field.A magnetic field is create when an electric current flows through a wire.

Electromagnetic generators create current by moving what?

Electromagnetic generators create current by moving a conductor through a magnetic field. The relative motion between the conductor and the magnetic field induces an electromotive force, which generates an electric current in the conductor.

Why can an electric current create a magnetic field?

An electric current creates a magnetic field because moving charges generate a magnetic field around them according to the right-hand rule. This magnetic field is perpendicular to both the direction of the current and the surrounding space. The strength of the magnetic field is dependent on the magnitude of the current.

How does a coil of wire create a electrical current?

When a coil of wire is placed in a magnetic field and the magnetic field is changing (e.g. from a moving magnet or changing current), it induces an electrical current in the wire through electromagnetic induction. The changing magnetic field causes electrons in the wire to move, creating a flow of electrical current.

What happen to magnetic compass if the current is changed?

If an electric current flows through a wire, it will create a magnetic field. ... a ship or an airplane, it can damage or otherwise change the ship's magnetic compass.

Can a moving electric charge create a magnetic field?

Yes. A spinning charge will create a magnetic field as will a moving charge.

How is a magnetic force in an electromagnet created?

A magnetic force in an electromagnet is created by passing an electric current through a coil of wire wrapped around a magnetic core, such as iron. When the current flows through the wire, it generates a magnetic field around the core, resulting in a magnetized object that can attract or repel other magnetic objects.

Can electricity cause a magnetic effect?

Yes, electricity can create a magnetic effect through the interaction of moving electric charges. When electric current flows through a conductor, it generates a magnetic field around the conductor, as described by Ampere's law. This principle is utilized in electromagnets and devices such as motors and transformers.