import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class flag extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
int t=0;
int x=195,y=125;
double x1,y1;
double r=15;
double d;
for(int i=1;i<=24;i++)
write a program draw circle and ellipse by using oval methods in java
This softwear peovides an environment for JAVA. When you are using some function on web to establish something, you need it. For example, when I was using "ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE", I wank to know the relationship amond the article and other articles who cite it. I press the button "Creat Citation Alert" . Then I need a JAVA program to help me draw out the picture. If I don't have that "Runtime Environment" the JAVA program won't run. I'm not going to get the picture.
Yes, this is possible.
draw a line chart.
import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.applet.*; /* <APPLET CODE="Animation.JAVA" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=300> </APPLET> */ //The basic applet class.The applet shows 4 cars crossing each other at a square. public class Animation extends Applet implements Runnable { Thread t; //4 variables used to vary the car's positions. int x1=0,x2=380,y1=50,y2=250; public void start() { if(t==null) { t=new Thread(this,"New Thread");//New side Thread created on start of applet. t.start(); } } public void stop() { if(t!=null) { t=null;//On stop of applet the created thread is destroyed. } } //Implementation of method run() of Runnable interface. public void run() { Thread t1=Thread.currentThread(); while(t==t1) { repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(Exception e) { } } } public void paint(Graphics g) { setBackground(Color.cyan); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); x1=(x1+16)%400; x2=x2-16; y1=(y1+12)%300; y2=y2-12; if(y2<0) y2=288; if(x2<0) x2=384; //Draw the roads using 2 filled rectangles using black color. g.fillRect(0,130,400,40); g.fillRect(180,0,40,305); //Draw the white colored lines. g.setColor(Color.white); for(int i=0;i<20;i++) { if(i!=9 && i!=10) g.drawLine(i*20,150,i*20+10,150); } for(int j=0;j<15;j++) { if(j!=7 && j!=8) g.drawLine(200,j*20,200,j*20+10); } //Draw 4 colored cars using filled round rectangles. g.setColor(; g.fillRoundRect(x2,152,20,8,2,2); g.fillRoundRect(x1,140,20,8,2,2); g.fillRoundRect(190,y1,8,20,2,2); g.fillRoundRect(202,y2,8,20,2,2); } }
nothing done worry
Yes it is possible to draw in java by using AWT package. or by using javax package.
Applets allow you to do frontend in java. You can draw things like rectangle,circle etc or create buttons and textboxes or you could even create a game! You can make use of the powerful api of java to design the applet and make use of awk(abstract window kit).
write a program draw circle and ellipse by using oval methods in java
This softwear peovides an environment for JAVA. When you are using some function on web to establish something, you need it. For example, when I was using "ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE", I wank to know the relationship amond the article and other articles who cite it. I press the button "Creat Citation Alert" . Then I need a JAVA program to help me draw out the picture. If I don't have that "Runtime Environment" the JAVA program won't run. I'm not going to get the picture.
Yes, this is possible.
Custom program Aim and draw have in common
Custom program Aim and draw have in common
you can draw on it
Please see related link below. Note: Uses Java.
draw a line chart.
Microsoft paint is a software program that you draw in.