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Some capacitors are polarity sensitive; some are not. It depends on the design. Electrolytic capacitors, for instance, are polarity sensitive, while ceramic disc capacitors are not. You can generally tell, if the capacitor is marked with polarity signs, such as + and -, if it is or not.

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Q: Is capacitor polarity sensitive
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Regarding Capacitors- can any general capacitor work on a circuit diagram that shows a polarized capacitor or do you need a special capacitor for polarization?

A Polarized capacitor means that the capacitor is polarity sensitive. if you were to connect the capacitor incorrectly the capacitor would blow up. A capacitor that is marked as being polarity sensitive will have the negative lead labeled usually with a white strip. These capacitors can only be used in conjunction with a dc source. Always consult a professional when installing electrical equipment.

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What type of electrolytic capacitor will be permanently damaged if connected to the incorrect polarity?

A polarized capacitor will be permanently damaged if connected to the incorrect polarity.

Is there any necessary to mark polarity on capacitor?

For electrolytic capacitors, yes, as ignoring their polarity can damage them.

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they do not have any electrical property that is polarity sensitive

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Are capacitors polarity sensitive?

The capacitors those are polarity sensitive are called electrolytic and tantalum capacitors. These capacitors are labeled as positive and negative.

What will happen if you changes the polarity of the capacitor in their respective position?

It will either explode right away, or work for a short time then explode. Note though, that the capacitor's polarity only applies to DC voltage. Because AC flows through a capacitor, if there is no DC offset, it matters not which way the capacitor goes.

How can definitely we say a capacitor is faulty?

You need a multimeter that is capable of testing micro Farads (uF). The capacitor is normally stamped with this rating. Should get a reading within +/- 5% of the rated value. Some Caps. are polarity sensitive so make sure your +/- leads from your meter are correct

Why is it important consider the correct polarity of an electrolytic capacitor when using it in the circuit?

The electrolytic capacitor can only have voltage across it in one direction. Failure to comply will result in catastrophic destruction of the capacitor.