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A battery is usually thought of as a source, not a load. If you are charging a battery, then it will be resistive, especially if you are attempting to charge it like you should, with a DC power supply (not AC).

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Q: Is battery is inductive or capacitive load?
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Is a transformer load inductive or capacitive?

A transformer is fundamentally a set of coils; therefore, a transformer is an inductive load. However, by "transformer load", you seem to mean "the load that is connected to a transformer". Whether that load is inductive or capacitive depends mostly on what is hooked up to the transformer.

What is the difference between an inductive and a capacitive load?

Resistance load it means there is passive load to impede current flow. Inductive load means there is a coil as a load while still a passive it has its own characteristics which differs from a resistive load which is linear while inductive is not linear load

What is non inductive load?

non- inductive load is without motor and transformer loads are non-inductive load, purely resistive are capacitive loads phase angle is unity are leading PF A non-inductive load is a load whose current does not change instantaneously.

What is non-inductive load?

non- inductive load is without motor and transformer loads are non-inductive load, purely resistive are capacitive loads phase angle is unity are leading PF A non-inductive load is a load whose current does not change instantaneously.

How does the ac generator output is affected by the resistive inductive and capacitive load?


What is Pure Resistive?

A purely resistive load is one in which there is no capacitive or inductive reactance. Whe driven by an AC voltage source, such a load will have no shift in phase angle between voltage and current.

What is the effect of an inductive or capacitive load under no load conditions?

A load of any type,,,inductive or capacitive , would effect the circuit even if THOSE "loads" had no load on them. They would still have a load effect on the circuit they are connected to.Answer'Under no-load conditions' means that no load is connected to the supply. So your question doesn't make sense!

What is the power dissipated by a reactive load?

No power is dissipated by a load composed exclusively of either capacitive or inductive reactance.

Would a computer be considered a capacitive load?

No because the very first component in the power supply is a transformer, which makes for it being an inductive load.

Does low load in transformer lead to low power factor?

Power factor is determined by the nature (resistive, inductive, capacitive) of a load, not whether it is a low load or a high load.

Does the power factor in three phase system depend on the phase sequence?

No. It depends on the inductive and capacitive reactance of the load.

What is the difference between inductive coupling and capacitive coupling?

A capacitor is a device that resists a change in voltage, proportional to current and inversely proportional to capacitance. dv/dt = i/c An inductor is a device that resists a change in current, proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to inductance. di/dt = v/l In an AC circuit with capacitive loading, the current waveform will lead the voltage waveform; while with inductive loading, the current waveform will lag the voltage waveform.