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No. It would be applications software.

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Q: Is Microsoft Excel system software
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Microsoft Word and Excel are example of system software?

No. They are examples of Applications software.

Is System software is a collection of programs?

One of the examples of this is Microsoft excel

Is system software a collection of programs?

One of the examples of this is Microsoft excel

Is Microsoft Excel a computer software?

Yes, Microsoft Excel is one example of computer software. Software is anything which enables or helps the computer to run which is just code, with no physical substance. Software is stored on and processed by hardware. Hardware is any physical device which makes up a computer, like a hard drive or cooling fan.

Is excel a software?

Yes. Microsoft Excel is an example of computer software.

Is Excel an example of an application software?

No. It is an example of spreadsheet software.

Is Microsoft Excel the database software of the Microsoft office suite?

No. Excel is a spreadsheet. Access is the database.

What software is used in a spreadsheet?

Microsoft Excel.

Is an example of spreadsheet software?

Microsoft Excel.

What software systems provide accounting information?

You can basically get accounting information from any software system that I currently know of. Microsoft has Excel, Linux has Calc, and you can also put Excel onto Apples.

Microsoft Excel is not Hardware - what is it?

It is software. In particular it is an electronic spreadsheet application software.

What has the author Marco Russo written?

Marco Russo has written: 'Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010' -- subject(s): Business, Microsoft Excel (Computer software), Microsoft Excel (Computer file), Commercial statistics, Computer programs, Computer software