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Generally: The flooding velocity of the column is the velocity of the vapor rising through the column at which the liquid on each stage is suspended. The flow of vapor up through the column will not allow the liquid to fall down through the column causing the stages to "flood".

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Q: In distillation towers what does 'flooding velocity' means?
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What is flooding and channeling in context with distillation?

Flooding and channeling are very significant terms with both gas absorption and distillation of it involves the use of packed towers. Flooding means that the gas velocity is very high, therefore, does not allow the flow of the liquid from the top of the tower, and flooding occurs on the top of it (ergo, the gas phase is not completely mixed by the water phase). The best gas velocity, should be half of the flooding velocity. For channeling, it is the unequal wetting of the packings in the tower. If channeling occurs, poor mass transfer happens, and therefore, less efficiency of the tower happens.

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flooding means drowning of areas by heavy rain in considerable time, but flash flooding means, heavy rain in short time.

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No; acceleration means the velocity changes.No; acceleration means the velocity changes.No; acceleration means the velocity changes.No; acceleration means the velocity changes.

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What velocity means?

If you have no velocity, then you aren't moving.

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Is it possible for a body to have an acceleration when moving with constant velocity?

No, if an object is moving with constant velocity, it is not experiencing any acceleration. Acceleration refers to a change in velocity over time, so if the velocity is constant, there is no acceleration.

Why is acceleration?

Acceleration means how fast velocity changes. "How fast" means change of velocity per time unit - and this is also called a "rate".Acceleration means how fast velocity changes. "How fast" means change of velocity per time unit - and this is also called a "rate".Acceleration means how fast velocity changes. "How fast" means change of velocity per time unit - and this is also called a "rate".Acceleration means how fast velocity changes. "How fast" means change of velocity per time unit - and this is also called a "rate".

What separation technique involves using different boiling points?

Distillation is a separation technique that involves heating a mixture to separate its components based on their different boiling points. The components with lower boiling points vaporize first and can be collected and condensed back into liquid form.

Is there velocity when the object is at rest?

No. Velocity means speed.

Zero velocity means vehicle must be stationary?

Zero velocity means that the vehicle and the person who is measuring the velocity are moving together.

Why is acceleration a rate?

Acceleration is a rate of change of velocity with respect to time. It measures how fast an object's velocity is changing, either in terms of increasing speed, decreasing speed, or changing direction. Mathematically, acceleration is defined as the derivative of velocity with respect to time.