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If there are 2^n cells then you need at least n bits to address each cell individually.

For example, if there 2^32 cells then you need at least 32 bits to address each of the cells.

2^32 = 4,294,967,296 cells

The cells are numbered the range 0 to 4,294,967,295 (inclusive).

In hexadecimal notation this range becomes 0h to FFFFFFFFh.

The upper bound has exactly 8 hex digits.

Each hex digit represents the 4-bit binary value 1111.

8 x 4 bits = 32 bits.


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Q: If a computer has a maximum of 2N memory cells then each address field in a machine language instruction must be how meany bits wide to enable us to address every cell?
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One instruction in high level language corresponds to one instruction in machine language?

No. Generally, one instruction in a high level language corresponds to many instructions in machine language.

What is the process of writing specific instructions in computer language called?

A machine code program. Machine code is the native language of the machine and the only language actually understood by the machine. However, program instructions can be written using a high-level programming language that the computer can translate into machine code using another machine code program called a compiler.

Why machine and assembly language are called LLL?

Because LLL stands for Low Level Language. Low level because on is writing code very close to the instruction set of the computer chip.

Assembly language to machine language translation is?

Assembly language to machine code translation is a "one to one" translation process, as every individual instruction expressed in the assembly language corresponds to exactly one machine instruction. Note this does not hold for pseudo instructions or expanding macros, which are supported by some assemblers.

What language does the computer use and understand?

Dual system 1 and 0 It can also depend what you mean by computer, and how deep you want to go. You can make a "Computer" with wood and strings, as proven by the Jaquard Loom. Hardware is key, no matter how basic. So, in theory (i guess) the Basic Language would be how the! If you want to go to the very basics.

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One instruction in high level language corresponds to one instruction in machine language?

No. Generally, one instruction in a high level language corresponds to many instructions in machine language.

What is a machine language?

Actual Machine level language is binary language, which contains only '0' & '1 ' and it's the extreme besic of a computer's instruction. Then comes low level language, like assembly language and so on.

How do you add new machine language instruction to a processor intsruction set?

To add a new machine language instruction to an processor instruction set, you need to replace the microcode of the processor.

What was the name given to the first computer (machine) language?

ASCII (apex)

What is the process of writing specific instructions in computer language called?

A machine code program. Machine code is the native language of the machine and the only language actually understood by the machine. However, program instructions can be written using a high-level programming language that the computer can translate into machine code using another machine code program called a compiler.

What is the Language programmer writes one mnemonic instruction for each machine level instruction?

It is an assembler language programmer

What is assemble in computer programming?

Assembly (not assemble) is the process by which low-level instruction code written in assembly language is converted into machine code. This is achieved using a piece of software called an assembler. Assembly language is a machine-specific language thus the resultant machine code is non-portable.

What is the Difference between machine op and pseudo op?

A pseudo-op is an assembly language instruction that specifies an operation of the assembler i.e about the base register & its contents e.g. USING instruction. On the other hand, a machine-op instruction. That represents a machine instruction to the assembler e.g. BR instruction is a machine-op instruction

Why machine and assembly language are called LLL?

Because LLL stands for Low Level Language. Low level because on is writing code very close to the instruction set of the computer chip.

What is the difference between high level and low level math at colonel by?

Well its like this, a high level language is a language for programming computers which does not require detailed knowledge of a specific computer, as a low-level language does.High-level languages do not have to be written for a particular computer, but must be compiled for the computer they will work with.High-level languages are closer to human language than low-level languages, and include statements like GOTO or FOR which are regular words On the other hand, a low level language is a computer programming language that is close to machine language.Machine language is at the lowest level, because it is the actual binary code of 1s and 0s that the computer understands.Assembly languages are low- level languages which are translated into machine code by an assembler.Each assembly language instruction corresponds to one machine language instruction, but assembly language is easier notation for the programmer to use than machine code. You can google the topic for more info

What is instruction set of computer?

The instruction set of a computer is the collection of commands that its Central Processing Unit (CPU) can carry out natively. These are the things that the processor inherently knows how to do if asked.