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The selection of test cases for regression testing:

  1. Requires knowledge on the bug fixes and how it affect the system
  2. Includes the area of frequent defects
  3. Includes the area which has undergone many/recent code changes
  4. Includes the area which is highly visible to the users
  5. Includes the core features of the product which are mandatory requirements of the customer
Selection of test cases for regression testing depends more on the criticality of bug fixes than the criticality of the defect itself. A minor defect can result in major side effect and a bug fix for an Extreme defect can have no or a just a minor side effect. So the test engineer needs to balance these aspects for selecting the test cases for regression testing.

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Q: How will you select the test case for regression testing?
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How do you do regression testing and can we give one example on that in the same application?

regression testing is normally a set of automated scripts written by the test/automation team to test all previously existing functionality to make sure nothing has been broken.

What is the purpose of regression testing in software development?

Regression is the re-test of the existing features of your softwares. Criterias: -If one of the requirements is enhanced or changed or modified then the affected other software modules should also be tested as regression test. -If the already released software modules are having issues at end customer side and they have reported bugs in them...Then you will come to know the most affected module and can perform regression test in next release.

What is a select case statement used for in programming?

In programming, select case statement is a way to test the inside of a variable. It is used when one knows there is a limited number of things that can be in the variable.

What is comparison testing in software engineering?

Comparison Testing: Test Cases results are compared with the predicted results of the Test Oracle (Test Oracle: a mechanism to produce the predicted outcomes to compare with the actual outcomes of the software under test [from BS7925-1]) It's a bit of an old fashioned term, in that predicted results are usually included in the test case script. A test matrix with expected result values could be called a test oracle, or a predictive spreadsheet could fulfill that function. Note: Software Testing has developed many redundant/overlapping terminologies over the last decade. e.g. Black Box Testing aka Behavioral Testing aka Functional Testing Don't get too hung up with the terminology, as it varies from organization to organization.

What is p value in regression analysis?

The p value is NOT a probability but a likelihood. It tells you the likelihood that the coefficient of a variable in regression is non zero. The p-value is: The probability of observing the calculated value of the test statistic if the null hypothesis is true

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What is difference between regression testing and retesting?

A regression test is a test where a previously known bug is tested for after a change. A retest is simply repeating a test.

Prerequisites of Regression testing and system testing?

system testing is a kind of retesting where we can test whole system after integration. while regression testing is a process where we do the rerunning the test cases and check whether that re run doesnot affects the real environment.

In software testing regression testing must consist of fixed set of test to create a base line is it true or false?

Regression are classified as - Full / Complete Regression -- Entire application is regressed - Regional regression -- Tests performed around defect fixes or code changes

Example of regression test case?

This question needs to be more specific. Are you asking for an example of statistical regression?

How do you do regression testing and can we give one example on that in the same application?

regression testing is normally a set of automated scripts written by the test/automation team to test all previously existing functionality to make sure nothing has been broken.

What is meant by regional regression testing?

Regional Regression Testing is reexecuting the same test cases again in order to check whether the bug exists or not but the focus is also on the impact area that is affected because of the change in the application.

What is regression testing with example?

Regression testing is an iterative process executed throughout the software development and testing cycle. Regression testing focuses on previously tested aspects, features which were tested and found working, or bugs which were found and confirmed fixed, in earlier versions of the software. The purpose of regression testing is to make sure that those previously verified features still work. For example, consider a software release that includes two new features, A and B. While the developers are still working on feature B, test is already examining feature A. When A is found working as planned, testing proceeds to feature B, while regression testing affirms that nothing in feature B broke A.

Why we do regression testing?

Regression testing is a critical part of any integration testing procedure because you want to verify that the change made did not introduce some unexpected effect. Regression testing, then, is the verification that things still work, and implementation testing is verification that new things work. In the worst case, regression testing might require a full blown acceptance test, and that might take much longer to do than the testing for the one or two lines of code that you changed. Modularization, good design, and good record keeping can minimize regression testing because you might be able to argue that certain things don't need to be retested in one area if you changed something in another area. You can also argue for minimization of regression testing if you have robust code controls in place. Most large shops will have an automated compilation sequence based on submittal of controlled changes to code. You never want to make a production change on the fly, unless it is an emergency.

Briefly explain regression testing?

Regression testing is the process of testing changes to computer programs to make sure that the older programming still works with the new changes. Regression testing is a normal part of the program development process and, in larger companies, is done by code testing specialists. Test department coders develop code test scenarios and exercises that will test new units of code after they have been written. These test cases form what becomes the test bucket. Before a new version of a software product is released, the old test cases are run against the new version to make sure that all the old capabilities still work. The reason they might not work is because changing or adding new code to a program can easily introduce errors into code that is not intended to be changed.

What is reggression testing?

Regression testing means rerunning test cases from existing test suites to build confidence that software changes have no unintended side-effects. The "ideal" process would be to create an extensive test suite and run it after each and every change.

What is sanity testing in software testing?

A sanity test or sanity check is a basic test to quickly verify if the fixes in code or functionality are working as expected or not. Detailed level testing is not performed here.Main features of Sanity testing are:testing of some limited features.Generally non-scripted or not documentedIs a sub-set of regression testing

What to do you mean by test case enumeration in manual testing?

The meaning of test case enumeration in manual testing refers to the numbering of the specific parts that are to be tested. Manual testing refers to the process of testing something without using automated systems.