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That depends on the memory architecture of the system.

  • if the memory chips are byte wide and not used to create a multibyte bus, 11 address bits are needed.
  • if the memory chips are 32 bits wide, 9 address bits are needed (with the CPU internally selecting which of the 4 bytes it will use).
  • it the memory chips are 64 bits wide, 8 address bits are needed (with the CPU internally selecting which of the 8 bytes it will use.
  • if the memory chips are 4 bits wide, 12 address bits will be needed and the CPU must perform 2 memory cycles per byte that it needs. (yes, I have seen a computer that worked this way!)
  • etc.
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Q: How many lines of the address must be used to access 2048 bytes. How many of these lines are connected to the address input of all chips?
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What are 4017 chips used for?

4017 chips count a sequence of 10 events, outputting to 10 outputs, any of which can be connected to reset to count up to any number you want. You could use them to activate other things after a certain amount of time, but in most other cases, other chips will do better (e.g. 4081+4510+4511 to make a digital clock)

How much more storage space do you get using 3 gigabytes at base 2 than with 3 gigabytes base 10?

Base 10: 3 Gigabytes (3 Gb) is 3,000,000,000 bytes.Base 2: 3 Giga-binary-bytes (3 Gib) is 3,221,225,472 bytes. The difference is therefore 221,225,472 bytes. Note that memory capacities are always specified precisely, in Gibs, whereas hard-disk drives are expressed approximately, in Gbs. Thus three 1 GiB memory chips will always equate to exactly 3,221,225,472 bytes while a 3 Gb hard drive is always *at least* 3,000,000,000 bytes. However, most operating systems report both memory and hard-drive capacities in Gibs rather than Gbs, but use the Gb acronym instead of the Gib acronym. Thus hard-drives always appear much smaller than they actually are. For instance, a 3 terabyte drive will be listed as a 2.7 Tb drive (rather than 2.7 Tib), but there's still at least 3 trillion bytes of capacity.

What are the two main types of computer chips?

ROM (Read only Memory) and RAM (Random access memory). However, there are loads more types of computer memory than these two.

What are chips used in cell phones called?

SIM chips

What is meant by GB data?

GB is acronym for gigabyte and is used to indicate storage capacity on a computer. A gigabyte is 2^30 bytes or 1,073,741,824 bytes. Note that disk manufacturers and memory chip manufacturers use different notations. Memory chips are precisely specified such that a 1 GB memory chip is guaranteed to provide storage for exactly 1,073,741,824 bytes. However, hard drives only give approximate storage capacities such that 1 GB only guarantees storage capacity for at least 10^9 bytes, or 1 billion bytes, which is the equivalent of a 0.93 GB memory chip. Technically, hard-drive manufacturers use the correct notation since the prefixes kilo-, mega- and giga- literally equate to some power-of-ten (10^3, 10^6 and 10^9 respectively). However, it is not possible to create a memory chip with exactly 10^3 bytes, it has to be an exact power-of-two (2^10, 2^20 and 2^30, respectively). The reason memory has to be an exact power-of-two stems from the way in which memory is addressed on a binary computer. In order to address 1000 bytes we'd need at least 10 bits in the range 0000000000 through 1111100111 (0 to 999 decimal) which means there are 24 invalid addresses in the range 1111101000 through 1111111111 (1000 to 1023 decimal). This over-complicates circuit design; it's much easier to make all bit patterns valid by adding on those missing 24 addresses thus giving us the full kilo-binary-byte capacity of 1024 bytes. Hard-drive manufacturers are less constrained in the way storage is addressed, because the addressing is subject to the operating system and the way in which the hard-drive is formatted. Typically, a hard-drive is divided up into addressable clusters which are themselves some power-of-two bytes in length, such as clusters of 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 bytes. In an effort to avoid confusion, the terms kilo-binary-byte (KiB), mega-binary-byte (MiB) and giga-binary-byte (GiB) are used to indicate precise memory capacities while KB, MB and GB are used to indicate the more generalised hard disk capacities. However, these terms is not widely adopted. For instance, Windows operating systems use the term KB to mean 1024 bytes whether reporting memory capacity or hard drive capacity, hence a 300 GB hard-drive only has capacity for 279.4 GB of storage on Windows. But 279.4 GB is 300 billion bytes so, strictly-speaking, it is quite correct to call it a 300 gigabyte drive.

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Memory usually consists of one or more chips on this?

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What is an address buffer and a data buffer?

The contents of the stack pointer and program counter are loaded into the address buffer and address-data buffer. These buffers are then used to drive the external address bus and address-data bus. As the memory and I/O chips are connected to these buses, the CPU can exchange desired data to the memory and I/O chips. The address-data buffer is not only connected to the external data bus but also to the internal data bus which consists of 8-bits. The address data buffer can both send and receive data from internal data bus.

How many 128 x 8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 4096x16?

128x8=128 bytes 4096x16=4069x(8x2)=4096x2 bytes; hence, chips required, 4096*2/128=64; ans=64.

What is the difference between sam and ram?

In RAM ,the access time is the same for any memory location.Semi-conductor IC chips and magnetic disks are random access memory.In SAM a particular memory word is accessed from the memory by going through all address locations until the desired address is found.Magnetic tapes are sequential access memory.

How many address lines are necessary to access 2k x 8 memory system using 256 x 8 memory chips?

Why do you want to waste 99.22% of the memory in these chips you supposedly will be spending good money on? Buy smaller sized memory chips more suitable for your purposes and design with them!

How many address lines are necessary to access 64K x 8 memory system using 8K x 8 memory chips?

14 lines can address 16,384 locations. The 8085, however, has 16 lines, and can address 65,536 locations.The system design, of course, may limit that to 14, so 16,384 is the answer in that case.

How many bytes of memory on a 128MB computer?

The memory is to be designed so that 16-bitdata can be accessed in one .Two 64K X 8 SRAM chips have a capacity of 128KB.

What is supporting chip?

In terms of computing, supporting chips are those chips in which provide input/output, serial communications, and direct memory access. Some of these chips include: 8251, 8253, and 8255.

What is the name of the memory chips that holds data temporarily?

Random Access Memory

What types of prototypes used in diamond chips?

The term 'prototype' and the term 'diamond chips' aren't really connected, since diamond chips are the result of cutting and polishing a diamond stone. Prototype implies something designed and fashioned; diamond chips don't fit into that definition.

How tristate devices operate?

Computer chips are said to be tri-state when the bit of the output can be "ON", "OFF" or "don't care". Tri-state chips can connected in parallel making it possible for two or more chips to control the same output line. When that occurs, the chips that are disabled do not affect the line.