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The Raspbery Pi runs on a 5 volt power supply. 5 watts at 5 volts is 1 ampere. 1 ampere is 1000 milliamperes. This would seem to indicate that a battery pack rated at 5000mAH (5000 milliamperes per hour) should run for 5 hours with a load that is drawing 1 ampere.

However, this presupposes that the battery is delivering a potential difference of 5 volts. Since the Raspberry Pi contains a 5 volt linear regulator on it's power input rail, the battery has to deliver at least 6.5 volts for the Raspberry Pi to function correctly (to compensate for the voltage drop inherent in any linear regulator.)

Also, if the battery's voltage is significantly higher than this, it would drain much faster and possibly damage the Raspberry Pi board.

Look up Ohm's Law for more information on these calculations.

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Q: How many hours will a raspberry pi on 5 watts last on 5000mAH?
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What is the difference between 4000 mAh and 4400 mAh lithium ion battery?

4400 mAh means that the battery can produce 4400 mA for one hour. Similarly, 7200 mAh means 7200 mA for one hour. In reality, these specifications are for a eight-hour rating, meaning that the 4400 mAh battery can produce 550 mA for eight hours but, comparatively, you can just ratio the ratings, so the 7200 mAh battery will last 60% longer than the 4400 mAh battery There's more to it than that, however, as you need to know that the laptop is designed to use either battery, otherwise the camparison is meaningless.

How long psp1000 battery 3600 mAh last?

arround 1 hour just joking around 7 hours at medium brightness and low volume.

What year did u.s. quit building nuclear power plants?

The last reactor to be given a full power license was Watts Bar 1, Tennessee, owner TVA, and this was in 1996. Nothing has been built and operated since then. There are plans to complete Unit 2 which was suspended during completion of Unit 1.

How much does a civil engineer earn per month in RSA?

how many hours will you sincerely work from your desk or site per day divided by your company policy multiply by no of hours you wasted and square it by your taxes and then at last multiply by ZERO. Thats it man got to know that from the attitude of your working style..

How many hours of charge can 600 mAh hold?

A 600 mAh battery can produce 75 mA for about 8 hours. If it is called upon to deliver 600 mA, it will last somewhat less than one hour. This is because ampere-hour ratings for batteries are, by standard agreement, normalized to an eight-hour rate. The actual rating is only a comparative rating, so you could properly say that a 900 mAh battery, for instance, will last 1.5 times longer than a 600 mAh battery.

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If you divide the 5000 mAh by the current used (in mA), you will get the number of hours the battery will last.

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Depends on the current draw of what you hook it up to. At a draw of 7 amps (80 watts) it'll last for one hour. At a draw of 1 amp(12 watts) it'll last for 7 hours, ASO.

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it depends,the flourecent kind hols 60 watts,lumens has 120 and they last for 10,000 hours.

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85/35=2.4286 hours.

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