1 Kb is 1024 bytes and 1 character takes 1 byte of the main memory. So, it is 1024 chars in 1 Kb.
The preceding is only true for languages which have 8-bit characters. Most modern computer languages support the concept of Unicode, which allows for character encodings in various languages. The most widespread Unicode encoding format is UTF-8, which uses between 1 and 4 bytes to represent a specific character symbol.
For instance, the Java programming language assumes all characters are in Unicode UTF-16 format, which is a 16-bit character encoding. So, in Java, only 512 characters will fit in 1 kB.
KB is kilobyte 1 thousand bytesMB is megabyte 1 million bytes
1 kilobyte is 8 kilobits. E.g., 1024 bytes is 8192 bits.
1024 bytes in 1 KB, 1024 kilobyes in 1 MB 1024 x4 = 4KB x 1024 = 4194304 bytes in 1 MB. (About 4.2 million)
Kg stands for "kilogram" which is a measure of physical mass, where as MB stands for Megabyte, which is a measurement of data. However, there is a measurement of data known as a kilobyte, which is abbreviated "kb". One Megabyte contains 1,000 Kilobytes.
The KB of a ship is the location of the point of buoyancy measured from the ships keel. For a square barge, the KB will be T/2 (draught / 2).
1 KiloByte = 1 KB
how many pixles to 50 kb
1024 KB is in 1 MB.
A kilobyte is the same as "KB" - so that 1 kilobyte = 1 KB, so there are 4704 kilobytes in 4704 KB.
1000 KB in 1 MB, 1000 MB = 1 GB Answer: 1,000,000 ( 1 million KB's)
1,024 kilobytes (Kb) = 1 megabyte (Mb)
1024 KB = 1 MB
1 TB equates to 1,073,741,800 KB
1024 KB = 1 MB
1 gigabyte = 1 048 576 kilobytes
1 KB = 1 K = 1000 bytes
A character in ASCII format requires only one byte and a character in UNICODE requires 2 bytes.