unlimited times but every result of each attempt is valid for 2 years only after its result date....
GATE exam is a Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers, its a exam conducted by IIT i.e all the seven institutions, by writing these exams u can do ur M.tech anywhere in INDIA. for more details visit gate exam.com.
I don't think so..
gate valve. globes are used for throttling and have far too many turns. ball valves are not made for thick stuff. this question was on the inter-provincal exam they had globe valve, gate valve, diaphragm valve and piston valve. for answers too choose from.
1 gate.
Most firefighting equipment can get through the gate if there is a fire. Should some quipment not fit, gate opening will be made larger. It depends on the gate. Many gate installers are aware of fire regulations and will not install the gate if the equipment can't fit through.
there are only two attempts for appearing in the gate exam
u can attempts any no of times
the attempts of gate are not limited.you can take gate as many times as you want.But one should try to clesr it in first or second attempt..
The number of attempts allowed for passing through a gate can vary based on the specific gate and location. It is recommended to check the rules or regulations of the gate you are referring to for the exact number of attempts allowed.
At least 3
As per other internet sources there is no limit on number of attempts and age.
There are many changes in GATE 2009, ranging from paper pattern to subjects to gate score validity.
unlimited chances are there
If it is the CAT Exam in India that is for admissions into IIM's you are talking about,then is no upper cap on the no of attempts.
In Florida, you can take the insurance exam as many times as needed, but you must wait at least 24 hours between exam attempts. However, there is a limit of three exam attempts per exam window (a two-year period from the date of the first failed exam).
am asking about gate exam will be are on the year 2010