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ASCII is a simple (and increasingly obsolete) code which maps alphanumeric characters to numbers in the 0..255 range. Thus, any phrase expressed as a series of these alphanumeric characters can be expressed as a series of bytes with the corresponding numeric values, one byte per character.

For example, the letter A is represented by a byte of numerical decimal value 65.

It is characteristic for the ASCII code that it supports a limited alphabet of 256 different characters. While this might seem much in light of the fact that the 26 characters cover the A-Z alphabet, codes are assigned to lower-case and upper-case characters, digits, punctuation marks, a wide range of other characters including some simple symbols, and a range of 'foreign characters.'

With today's demands on localized software and support for the local alphabet, the ASCII code becomes increasingly obsolete because it cannot support a great number of non-English alphabets.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

take every 8 bits -- a byte -- and convert it to an ASCII character (which is 7 or 8 (extended ASCII) bits)

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Q: How is ASCII used to represent text in a computer system?
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What is the default file extension for a ASCII text file?

.txt is a common choice.

What does Java use instead of ASCII?

ASCII and Java are 2 totally different things. ASCII is a naming convention where a certain letter, number, or punctuation mark is a specific keyboard code (Carriage Return, CR, is code 31, Line Feed 14, Capital A 96). Java is a programming language that handles text in multiple formats as needed, Unicode, EBDIC, ASCII. The two are not intertwined.

What is ascii value of EOF?

There is no ascii value for EOF. The constant EOF is a special value, not representing any character, but indicating an eof-of-file or error condition when using stream I/O. On the other hand, there is an ascii charactor end-of-file, <CTRL>Z, 26, or 0x1A which, in the DOS era, indicated the end of file in a text file, but this is not the same as the run-time library constant EOF.

How do you distinguish between a text file and a binary file?

You can distinguish between binary and text files, and for the most part even identify what type of binary file, by using the "file" command. For example:~$ file unknownfileunknownfile: PNG image data, 155 x 155, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedThis tells you that the file is a PNG file by reading metadata and/or magic numbers in the file. When used on a text file, the command will return "ASCII text" or "Unicode text."

What is the difference between binary file and executable file?

windows support 2 file formats 1.text file 2.binary file in a text file in windows , each line is teminated with a carriage reurn followed by a linefeed character .but when a file is read by a c prog in text mode,c library converts carriage reurn/ linefeed character both in to a single linefeed character. but in case of binary file ,the prog will see both carriage return & linefeed character

Related questions

Why may it be an advantage if your computer uses ASCII to store text?

Using ASCII, the computer can hold much more text, and this way you can save more on the computer without the computer slowing down.

How the computer can understand binary language?

The computer understands binary because the 1 means on and the 0 means off, so that controls how it operates. Binary language is then converted to our number system where the numbers represent things. ASCII code is used to convert binary to text.

Is Data created by a computer system using the ASCII coding scheme can be directly accessed by another computer system using different coding schemes?

Most text encodings are supersets of 7-bit ascii, so in short yes, valid ascii is also UTF8/16, lantin-1 and most other western text encodings, but ascii is most valuable as a data-encoding because it is independent of the endianness of the computer - it takes less space to store most data in binary, but the bit patterns for the same data will vary from computer to computer, making the data less portable

What has a common computer keyboard to do with ascii?

Ascii is simply an encoding scheme. It represents text by assigning a code to each particular character.

How is text represented in main computer memory?

By using a binary number called ASCII code

What is ASCII files?

An ASCII file is just a text file.

What happens if you transfer an executable program file in ASCII?

When files are transferred in ASCII mode, the transferred data is considered to contain only ASCII formatted text. The party that is receiving the transferred data is responsible for translating the format of the received text to one that is compatible with their operating system.

What happens if you transfer an executable program file in ASCII mode?

When files are transferred in ASCII mode, the transferred data is considered to contain only ASCII formatted text. The party that is receiving the transferred data is responsible for translating the format of the received text to one that is compatible with their operating system.

The coding system for text base data?

The coding system for text-based data refers to the character encoding used to represent text characters as binary data in computers. Examples of coding systems include ASCII, Unicode, and UTF-8, each with its own set of characters and encoding rules. By using a specific coding system, text data can be stored, processed, and displayed correctly across different platforms and devices.

What are the default file extensions for ASCII text file?

There are no set file extensions for an ASCII text file, however one that is commonly used is .txt

Is there a facebook ascii art TEXT generator?


Is there a facebook ascii art TEXT generator Where u just copy and paste?

There is a face ASCII art TEXT generator. This can be copy and pasted to your document. There is a variety of art that can be made from this art TEXT generator.