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Each level of height adds another layer that you must progress through so it is slower.

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Q: How height of binary search tree effect its performance?
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What is the height of binary search tree in worst case?

In the worst case a binary search tree is linear and has a height equal to the number of nodes. so h=O(h).

What is complexity of binary search tree?

The complexity of binary search tree : Search , Insertion and Deletion is O(h) . and the Height can be of O(n) ( if the tree is a skew tree). For Balanced Binary Trees , the Order is O(log n).

How to find height of subtree in a Binary tree?

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What is the height of a binary tree with n nodes in the worst case?

For the height `h' of a binary tree, for which no further attributes are given than the number `n' of nodes, holds:ceil( ld n)

In binary search tree n equals nodes h equals height of tree what is time complexity?


What is the use of AVL tree?

Binary Search trees offer improved average case performance for searching. However, if they are unbalanced their search performance degrades to that of a linked list. AVL trees guarantee that the difference in height of any two subtrees rooted at the same node will be at most one. This guarantees an asymptotic running time of O(log(n)) as opposed to O(n) in the case of a standard bst.

What assumption about the list is made when binary search is conducted?

Binary search requires that the list be in search key order.

What is the use of binary?

Binary trees are commonly used to implement binary search tree and binary heaps.

A binary search of an orderd set of elements in an array or a sequential search of the elements.Which one is faster?

A binary search is much faster.

Items that are not suitable for a binary search?

The only items suitable for a binary search are those which are in a sorted order.

What is the binary number for decimal 191?

It is 10111111 in binary. Try a search for '191 to binary'.

Does binary tree and binary search tree same?

no they are not same