'*** PROGRAM: Main Menu
'*** Global variable declarations list...
'*** Main Program...
DO 'this is a menu driven program...
GOSUB clearScreen
GOSUB printMainMenuTitleHeading
GOSUB printMainMenuOptionsList
GOSUB printMainMenuInstructionsHeading
GOSUB printMainMenuUserInstructions
GOSUB awaitUserKeyPress
GOSUB checkUserKeyPress
LOOP UNTIL UCASE$(userKeyPress$) = "Q" '...UCASE converts lower case to upper
END '...END of program/halt program code execution
'*** Sub-routines...
CLS '...(CL)ear the output (S)creen
PRINT "========"
PRINT "Hit key: <1> for Program 1: 12 X Tables Square"
PRINT "Hit key: <2> for Program 2: Select a times tables to print out"
PRINT "Hit key: <Q> to Quit!"
PRINT "=============="
PRINT "In order to select from the above Main Menu options list..."
PRINT "First, chose the type of program you wish to run..."
PRINT "by, carefully, reading it's description."
PRINT "Then, hit a corresponding single number/letter key, either: '1'/'2';"
PRINT "or, alternatively, hit key: 'Q' to Quit!"
PRINT "-Thank you!"
DO '...keep looping until when user presses any key...
userKeyPress$ = INKEY$ '...store any IN-coming KEY press
LOOP UNTIL userKeyPress$ <> ""
IF userKeyPress$ = "1" THEN GOSUB program1 '...GO to named SUB-routine
IF userKeyPress$ = "2" THEN GOSUB program2 '...GO to named SUB-routine
GOSUB clearScreen
'(...program 1/code goes here...)
GOSUB awaitUserKeyPress
GOSUB clearScreen
'(...program 2/code goes here...)
GOSUB awaitUserKeyPress
Well if you want to create a menu, you may use CASE.This is the programprogram Menu;var menu:integer;beginwriteln('Menu');writeln('1. XXXXXXX');writeln('2. XXXXXXX'); {unlimited option you want}writeln; {just to make it pretty :)}write('Mode you want to choose');readln(menu);CASE menu OF1: {program if I choose 1 from the menu};2: {program if I choose 2 from the menu};end; {end of case}readln;end.
Pop up menu: This menu can be displayed anywhere on the page with a right-click of the mouse.Pull down Menu: This menu can be displayed when you click or bring mouse on menu then list of sub menu will be displayed under the main MENU.
You can find the source code of the menu driven graphics program here: http://www.start2code.com/Cresources/menu-driven-graphics-program-c.html
Men editor is a most important feacture of any application that enables a large number of commands in a small area. Visual basic provides to creating menu editor in our application. The following step is used to create a menu editor in visual basic 6.0-Click on the 'Tools' menu of VB application window.Select menu Editor from this.A dialogue box is appear. Here we named the menu, named its caption select shortcut for the menu.After doing this click on ok to create your menu.Then after from your menu we select it to write code or event to it for perform a specific operation
Currency Source Code Using JCreator
The menu for cheat code entery on ATV Off Road Furry 2 is in the options menu on the main title. (main menu.)
There isn't one... Go to the main menu (the one after the title screen) enter the code at the main menu.
just type it on the main menu
its at the bottom of the main menu in the first castleminer.
On the main menu, you can click "access code" and enter the 6-digit code.
My answer is the code is Pants. If you type it in at the main menu you will get an extra life.
Nowhere. You see, you enter it on the main menu, like infinte nos is: left up left down left down right square on ps3. There is no special menu. you just enter your code on the MAIN menu literally.
In the main menu in option you select codes and just enter it.
At the main menu, go to Extras and then to Codes
The code to get the zombie map "FIVE" is: "3ARC UNLOCK". You enter that code in the main menu when you break free from the torture chair.
Well... I am going to answer this question as how to write / set up a menu.... 1: starter or 'entrance' dish 2: Main Course 3: Pudding/ dessert For example: My Starter: Soup Main Course: Spicy Pasta Pudding/ dessert: Apple Crumble
go on the consoles main menu and select redeem code it explains the rest from that point on