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I have made a project which interfaces seven segment waiting display with 8086 and 8255. If there is anyone in need of this project I can help. Write me on this page and I will write the detailed explanations.

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Q: How do you interface two seven segment led display through 8255 using 8085?
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Seven Segment Display

7 segment display LED?

A seven segment display is a device used to display numbers and letters on things such as alarm clocks. A 7 segment display is simply seven LED's packaged in a pattern that allows numbers and letters to be displayed by illuminating different sets of LED's.

Is 7 segment led a combinational circuit?

A: NO it is a display of seven segment to display a decimal of '0' to '9' it may have 8 LED for the point

How to connect 74ls138 with 7 segment?

We cannot connect the 74ls138 straight with a seven segment display; for that we need a 7447(7 segment driver).

What is the purpose of IC 14511?

it is three digit seven segment display driver IC

What are the application of seven segment display?

A: Seven segment display can give digital number visually from a source like a computer that has binary outputs the number 64 in digital would be 100000 and also can display alphanumeric which is what humans can readily see So basically transfer information from a machine language to human language

What is the function of the MAN6760?

the man6760 is a seven segment display made by fairchild semiconductor. THIS ANSWER IS SO LAME.. THE REAL ANSWER IS UR MOM

How do you interface 3-multiplexed 7-segment displays with 8051or5052or--53--54--55 microcontroller to display a random number from 000 to 999 with 1sec delay?

You should use a mechanism called persistance of vision for interfacing multiple seven segment displays. here is tutorial for mulplexing displays using 8051 microcontroller.

What is the Function of led 7 segment with 8085 microprocessor?

A seven segment[E1]consist of seven light -emitting diode segments and one segment for the decimal point.The LEDs are physically arranged.To display a number, the necesssary segments are lit by sending an appropriate signals for current flow to the diodes

How does your calculator shows number?

it works on the principle of seven segment display. according to the number the respective lines ,among 7 ,are displayed.

Why would a seven segment display be used instead of a light?

A seven segment display is used for displaying numerical and sometimes alphabetical information in a clear and easy-to-read format compared to a single light bulb. It provides a more precise output and allows for displaying specific characters or numbers with defined segments.

What are the advantages of using LCD than seven segment through interface micro-controller?

lcds use less power and can also offer more options like graphics, text and punctuation instead of just numbers and very rudimentary text.