You don't. Linear amplifiers are illegal for CB use. The maximum input into the final stage of a CB transmitter is 5 watts.
It's an op amp (operational amplifier) with a linear response, meaning that double the input means double the output.
The amplifier is supposed to be an electronic circuit. Electronic circuits are nonlinear circuits, which may be modeled in the time domain by means of nonlinear differential equations and nonlinear algebraic equations. The kernel of the solution of the nonlinear equations is the solution of a linear equation system i.e. the nonlinear components and couplings are approximated with linear relations valid for small signals. Iterations are performed until the laws of Kirchhoff are fulfilled. The instant set of linear equations is the small signal model for the amplifier. If the amplifier is excited with a dc power source it assumes an active state called the bias point or quiescent point. If the relation between the input and the output signals of the amplifier is measured to be (almost) linear in the bias point then we assume a small signal amplifier with time independent bias point else we assume a large signal amplifier.
A simple, 1 transistor single stage amplifier can be made using several resistors to bias a NPN or PNP transistor into its' linear operating region. With this done, a small voltage signal applied to the input of the amplifier will have the voltage amplified at the output in a linear fashion. I'm not sure what your question is; if this does not answer it let me know.
The three standard forms of analog amplifier biasing are:class A - the amplifier is biased in the center of its linear operating range, this is the most linear but least efficient type of amplifier (because the transistors or tubes are always conducting, even when there is no signal to ampliify).class B - the amplifier is biased at the cutoff point, this is an efficient amplifier but is only linear if operated as a push-pull amplifier (because the transistors or tubes are in cutoff and not conducting when there is no signal and through one half of every cycle, a class B push-pull amplifier has two sections that operate on alternate halves of the cycle).class C - the amplifier is biased in hard cutoff so that only the peaks of the input signal are amplified, this is the most efficient amplifier (because the transistors or tubes may be in cutoff and not conducting for more the 85% of the time) but it is not capable of linear amplification. An amplifier biased as class C is only suitable for use in RF transmitter power stages, where a resonant LC tank circuit will be excited into oscillation by the output of the amplifier and complete the missing parts of the cycle.There are other forms of biasing (e.g. class AB) analog amplifiers that get some of the advantages of two of the standard forms. There are also forms of amplifiers having other nonstandard classes (e.g. class D) that are not analog amplifiers, but instead operate by amplifying pulses.
A linear electronic device is one where output is linearly proportional, in some way, to input. An example is an amplifier. A non-linear device is one where the input drives the circuit into some kind of saturation mode. An example is a switch, such as is used in TTL IC's.
No. Not only is it illegal to amplify a CB radio beyond the FCC permitted four watts, but stereo amplifiers and linear amplifiers work in very different ways.
You can install your own amplifier and you will save allot of money. To install an amplifier yourself you should get a How to Guide on how to install an amplifier.
the approximate efficiency of a class b linear RF AM amplifier is 35%
it amplifies both the incomeing and outgoing signals on CB radios
Gain of ce-cb cascode is nearly equal to the gain of ce amplifier, because in a ce-cb cascode, the gain of the ce stage is equal to 1, and the gain of the cb stage is nearly equal to an isolated ce amplifier. Hence, gain of both are nearly equal. On the other hand, Bandwidth of ce-cb cascode is much higher than the bandwidth of ce amplifier because the cb stage in the cascode configration is not subjected to any Miller effect, thereby improving the high frequency response. The absence of Miller effect is due to the fact that the base of the cb stage is grounded thus, shielding the collector signal from being fed back into the emitter input. To be more clear, the gain of CE stage in cascode is nearly 1, which reduces the miller effect on the cb stage greatly.
To install a Cobra CB radio in a 2010 Chevy Lumina, first disconnect the battery cables. Then mount the CB box and then power the CB radio. Then mount the antennae.
ugly A. A chip that will perform in a linear fashion like an amplifier
To increase CB (Citizens Band) radio wattage, you can add an external amplifier specifically designed for CB radios. This amplifier will boost the output power of your radio and effectively increase the wattage. However, it is important to ensure that you are in compliance with legal power limits set by your country's regulations.
No, and it's actually illegal to do. CB radios come from the factory transmitting four watts, which is the legal limit.
Depends on the output of the amplifier.
-- If you bought the amplifier new, then you got an instruction manual along with it.The DC power requirements are listed in there.-- If you bought the amplifier used from somebody else, you had the right to expectthat he would supply the instruction manual along with it.-- If you can find the in-line fuse near the DC power input, the operating DC currentis expected to be less than the size of the fuse.-- You cannot legally operate a CB radio with a linear amplifier.But shucks . . . What are they gonna do about it ? Take your license away ! ? :-) :-) :-)There you have the answer to the question: "Why does 27 MHz CB sound the way it does ?"
A: feedback is not an application but rather is a must to keep a system or amplifier stable in the linear regions