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The value of each main scale divisions is half a degree(30') .

The number of vernier scale divisions is 30.

29 main scale divisions are divided into 30 vernier scale divisions (30 VSD = 29 MSD )

Therefore value of 1 VSD = 29/30 MSD.

Least Count (L.C.) = 1MSD - 1VSD

= 1MSD - 29/30 MSD

= 1/30 MSD

= 1/30 x 30'

(L.C.) = 1' (1 minute)

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11y ago
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12y ago

Finding least count of spectrometer

1. Count the total number of division on the vernier scale, say, n. Note the smallest

division on the circular scale in minutes, say, m minutes.

2. The least count is the smallest division divided by the number of divisions on the

vernier, i.e., it is m

n minutes.

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11y ago

smallest no of division on main scale/ total no of vernier scale

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11y ago

Least Count = value of 1 main scale reading/total no.of vernier divisions.


krishna sharma

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12y ago

value of 1 MSD/ no.of VSD for a vernier.

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3y ago

Least count of Spectrometer is: *

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