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in a parallel circuit resistance decreases increasing the current.

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13y ago

The current through each resistor is equal to the voltage across it

divided by its resistance ... exactly the same as in a series circuit.

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Q: How do resistance behave in parallel circuit?
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What is a resistance circuit?

It does not contain unidirectional outputAnswerA purely resistive circuit is an 'ideal' circuit that contains resistance, but not inductance or capacitance.

What is a resistance network?

A resistance 'network' consists of a number of resistors connected together in series, or in parallel, or in series-parallel, or as a complex circuit. A 'complex' circuit is one that is not series, parallel, or series-parallel.

Why is resistance less when resistors are join in parallel?

What do you mean? In a parallel circuit, the combined (or effective) resistance is less than any individual resistance.

Does the highest or lowest resistance dominate a parallel circuit?

The total effecive resistance of several individual resistances in parallel is less than the smallest individual resistance, so in that sense I guess you'd have to say that the lowest resistance 'dominates' the character of the whole parallel circuit.

4 How do you determine current in a parallel DC circuit?

The current in each individual component of the parallel circuit is equal to (voltage across the combined group of parallel components) / (individual component's resistance). The total current is the sum of the individual currents. ============================== Another approach is to first calculate the combined effective resistance of the group of parallel components. -- take the reciprocal of each individual resistance -- add all the reciprocals -- the combined effective resistance is the reciprocal of the sum. Then, the total current through the parallel circuit is (voltage across the parallel circuit) / (combined effective resistance of the components).

Related questions

How does voltage and resistance behave in a series and a parallel circuit?

The current through each resistor is equal to the voltage across it divided by its resistance for series and parallel circuits.

How do the partial current behave in relation to the corresponding resistance value for parallel circuiting of resistors?

The ratio of current flow through individual branches of a parallel circuit is inversely proportional to the ratio of resistance of each branch.

Is the sum of the resistance in a parallel circuit always excessds the total resistance in a circuit?

Not sure what you mean. The equivalent (total) resistance in a parallel circuit is less than any individual resistance.

What is a resistance circuit?

It does not contain unidirectional outputAnswerA purely resistive circuit is an 'ideal' circuit that contains resistance, but not inductance or capacitance.

What is the equivalent resistance of the parallel circuit you have connected?

In principle, it is infinite. I have not connected a parallel circuit in ages.

If additional resistance is connected in parallel with a circuit the supply voltage will decrease?

If additional resistance is connected in parallel with a circuit the supply voltage will decrease?

Is series parallel the same as parallel?

No, series parallel, as it implies has components of the circuit configured in both series and parallel. This is typically done to achieve a desired resistance in the circuit. A parallel circuit is a circuit that only has the components hooked in parallel, which would result in a lower total resistance in the circuit than if the components were hooked up in a series parallel configuration.

What is a resistance network?

A resistance 'network' consists of a number of resistors connected together in series, or in parallel, or in series-parallel, or as a complex circuit. A 'complex' circuit is one that is not series, parallel, or series-parallel.

What happens to resistance when resistors are wired in parallel delta circuit?

What do you mean by a 'parallel delta' circuit -is there such a connection.

What is advantage of a parallel circuit?

Parallel circuits have a higher current and a lower resistance.

How is the total current in a parallel circuit worked out?

You add up the currents in each branch. The current in each branch is just (voltage acrossd the parallel circuit)/(resistance of that branch) . ==================================== If you'd rather do it the more elegant way, then . . . -- Write down the reciprocal of the resistance of each branch. -- Add up the reciprocals. -- Take the reciprocal of the sum. The number you have now is the 'effective' resistance of the parallel circuit ... the single resistance that it looks like electrically. -- The total current through the parallel circuit is (voltage acrossd the parallel circuit)/(effective resistace of the parallel circuit) .

What is the resistance through the parallel portion of the circuit?
