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If you are a farmer, you know the corn you are gowing is GMO because you buy seeds that are known to be GMO. If you are gowing non-GMO varieties, you do not know if GMO vaieties have cross pollinated with your corn unless you get it tested.

If you are a consumer, you do not know if the corn or processed foods containing corn is GMO unless it is labeled as such. In the United States GMO foods are not labeled.

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Q: How can you tell if your corn is GMO?
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What is known about the food production capabilities of GMO's?

GMO corn and soy are no more productive than non-GMO corn and soy.

List of Genetically modified food in the Philippines?

I don't have a list yet but you can be pretty sure that snacks made with corn from the USA have GMO corn in them. I have read that about 97% of corn grown in the US is GMO. So, Cheetos, Doritos and other snacks imported from the US. You will need to discover the source of the corn which is in Philippine products such as Chippy. I read that GMO corn has been tested but I don't know if GMO corn is grown in the Philippines. In the US GMO soybeans are also grown. So, be careful of imported soy ingredients. See more about GMO at my blog: Click on the GMO and Vegetarian tiles.


Since at least 70% to 80% or more of the corn grown in the United States is GMO, it is likely that HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) sold in the U.S. is GMO.

Do you sell purple corn?

I work for a company here in the United States that grows and sells purple corn. All of our corn is non-gmo organic or non-gmo non organic.

Is white and yellow mixed fresh corn genetically modified?

There is no way to know without having the corn tested for GMOs. Due to cross pollination of GMO corn with non-GMO corn, it is likely that any corn may have GMOs in it.

Does frito-lay use genetically modified corn?

If Frito Lay cannot boldly say "we do not use GMO corn in any of our products" then they are obviously using GMO corn in at least some, if not all of their products.

What gmo or non gmo mean?

A non-GMO is an organism that has not been altered in a lab with a gene from an unrelated organism, such as corn that has been altered with a gene from a bacteria.

Does eating corn give you kidney stones?

Yes. GMO Corn makes you fat and stupid.

What is the most common GMO in America?

Corn, rice, everything

Is corn meal GMO free?

Some is, some is not. If one is looking for plain corn meal check or contact the specific brand. If the corn meal is an ingredient in a prepared food contact the specific brand. Any that is organic is not gmo.

Does anheuser-busch use genetically modified grains in it's beer?

Yes and No. All of their Beer made in the USA contains GMO rice, GMO corn syrup and GMO corn. The Beers produced outside the USA do not allow GMO so if you want your Bud GMO Free, do not buy it in the USA or Canada where the governments protect Monsanto, just buy it in Belgium or Germany where they have made GMO illegal... and for good reason.

Where does pepperidge farm get their corn?

The corn comes from a variety of suppliers. US farms throughout the Midwest provide the corn. Since Pepperidge Farms does not use organic ingredients, there is a chance that GMO corn is used.