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Q: Explain why Java programs running on Android systems do not use the standard Java API and virtual machine?
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What do you mean by java virtual machine explain?

A Java Virtual Machine enables a set of computer software programs and data structures to use a virtual machine model for the execution of other computer programs and scripts. The model used by a JVM accepts a form of computer intermediate language commonly referred to as Java bytecode. A virtual machine is a software implementation of a machine (i.e. a computer) that executes instructions (not programs) like a physical machine.

Is ASCII codes vary machine to machine?

No.ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It couldn't be called a standard if it varied from machine to machine.Note that this only applies to the core ASCII values. Some machines/programs/formats will use a subset or extended set of ASCII codes.

What is a machine which can perform human duties?

A robot. An android.

What coverts programs into machine language?

Assembler/compiler converts programs into machine language.

Will Robinson took his fist he pounds on the android machine?

Will Robinson gets agitated so he pounds on the android machine with his fist and then he got so angry he took the fist he pounds the machine hard he burnt out the circuits do to his anger.

Is there a java virtual machine for android?

yes its a programing tool.

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1. Explain the working principle of a milling machine?

Free fax on my Android?

You can not send or receive free faxes on your android. This is because a fax machine needs to be connected to a separate phone line.

What are three types of robot names?

Android, A.I.(artificial Intellegence), machine.

Will android operating system run on normal PC?

Sort of. "Normal PCs" run IBM-Compatible (i.e. x86 machine code), while Android runs on a ARM (i.e. RISC machine code). You can not run RISC on x86 natively, as they are not compatible with each other. However, there is an "Android Simulator" that is used primarily by developers that will allow you to simulate Android within Windows or Linux.

Why can't we use English in programming?

Computers don't understand English. All programs must be written in machine code -- the native language of the machine. Programs written in high-level languages must be converted to machine code in order to be executed. We can write machine code programs to perform the conversion for us. These programs are called compilers or interpreters.