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Example: Medicine, medicine is made by scientist to have a long life span or give us more healthier body.

internet, we can gather information faster through internet than books. we can also communicate others through internet faster.

cellphones, cellphone is made so that we can communicate others faster wherever we are

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Q: Example of product of science and technology?
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Examples of product of science and technology?

Give Examples Of Products Of Science

Is thermometer an example of technology?

no its not One of the definitions of technology is the practical application of science to commerce or industry, and the invention and introduction of the thermometer was an excellent example of technology.

How science technology and society interconnected?

With science, there will be technology. With technology, there would be things like cars for example and with cars, there will be accidents and so, science and technology is interconnected with society.

How does science related to technology?

Science relates to technology because science created technology. It was the knowledge and experimentation of science that lead to the creation of technology.

How does your technology works?

Technology is the product of science. Technology's main purpose is to make life easier and more comfortable for man.

What changes in modern-day living were brought about by science and technology?

Almost every element of your life has been improved because of modern science and technology. If you live in a comfortable home, are wearing clothes, sleep in a bed, use a shower, and are using a personal computer you are reaping the benefits of science and technology. Also, if you ever take any sort of medicine, it is a product of science and technology. Look around and almost everything is a product of science and/or technology.

How and why science and technology is imfortant to your daily life?

Science can explain how thing happen. Example, science can explain why you can walk without slipping. Without science, there would be no technology. Technology can make what we do simpler. With the help of technology, everything is simpler.

How is science and technology related to each other?

Science and technology are related in a great many ways. Technology is used to carry out scientific processes for example.

Is technology ahead of science?

Generally no, one example of where science is more advanced is through deadly diseases. In theory, science will always be ahead of technology.

What is the important of Science technology in school?

Science is the body of technical knowledge, and technology is the practical application of that knowledge.For example, all machines, and all books embody both science and technology.

Difference of science to the technology?

Science is a way of thinking about the world. Technology is the tools that science creates. For example Astronomy is a science and looks at how the universe works. Astronomers developed telescopes as a technology to help them achieve their aims.

How are the aims of science and technology different?

Science is the study of everything around us and Technology is where "science" is applied into. An example of this is Physics. Physics is a study of matter in motion and an example of technology where physics is applied are Aeroplanes, Cars, Trains, Rocket ships, etc.