

Empty data types in C

Updated: 10/31/2022
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14y ago

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Void - is empty data type in C

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Empty datatype is the one which has no value. Like -void.

It can be used in functions and pointers.

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The usual C datatypes, nothing special.

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You seem to have lost your text book so I am giving you a link where you can study data types, including derived data types.

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You have one or more errors in your program.

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In c language data types are used to specify the tye of data.for ex:int a;It means "a" is a variable of type integer.There are two types of data types in c.They areprimary data typessecondary data typesprimary data types are the built in data types and secondary data types are the user defined data for primary data types are int,float,char,long,double..and for secondary are arrays,structures,pointers,unions..

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data types supported by "C" are int , float , char , long , double , uint

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arrays in C are the data types which have collection of same type of data together store a fixed-size s of elements .

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In Pascal, data structures are implemented with recorddata types. A record is synonymous with the structdata type in C, or the class data type in C++.

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C++ is only partially OOP because it is a superset of C and, for the sake of backward compatibility, retains the concept of primitive data types (such as integrals like char and int) and pointer data types, which are all strictly non-object-oriented. In Java and C#, there is no concept of a primitive data type. Even integral types such as int are treated as objects and there is no concept of a pointer data type.

What is primare datatype in c?

primary datatypes means the data types which are provided by developer of language himself like int,float,double,char are the primary data types in c language where as the String,array are nothing but the derived data types. for Ex.we derived the String data type from char datatype using array system.