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The 'strength' (flux density) of an electromagnet is limited by the saturation point of its core. Once saturation is reached, any further increase in current through the coil can have no effect on the flux density.

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12y ago
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13y ago

-- gluing heavy weights to it

-- painting it red

-- hanging it on the wall

-- shouting at it

-- soaking it in brine

-- making it do exercises

-- heating it

-- freezing it

-- taking it for a ride in the car

-- reading to it

-- whipping it

-- encouraging it

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Q: Electromagnets cannot be made stronger
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Can electromagnets be made strong?

yes. to make it stronger, increase the electric flow.

Can electromagnets get stronger?

yes and no.

How do Electromagnets get stronger?

Put more coils around it.

Can electromagnets be stronger then permanent magnets?

Yes (and often are).

Are electromagnets stronger or weaker than permanent magnets?

Electromagnets can be stronger than permanent magnets because the strength of an electromagnet can be adjusted by changing the amount of electric current flowing through its coil. On the other hand, permanent magnets have a fixed magnetic field strength determined by the material they are made from.

Can increase the strength of an electromagnets field by?

using a stronger ferromagnetic material for the core. :)

A bar magnet's pull is strongest?

No, electromagnets are stronger than bar magnets.

Why do cranes use electromagnets instead of permanent magnets?

Cranes use electromagnets because they can be controlled and turned on/off easily by adjusting the electric current. This provides flexibility in lifting and releasing materials. Permanent magnets, on the other hand, have a fixed magnetic strength and cannot be adjusted or controlled.

Are bar magnets stronger than electro magnets?

Yes, because electromagnets can lose their magnetism.

Why is electromagnet to stronger than electromagnets one and three?

Electromagnet two is stronger than electromagnets one and three because it generally has a greater number of coil turns and a larger current flowing through its wire, resulting in a stronger magnetic field being produced. Additionally, the core material used in electromagnet two may be better suited for enhancing the magnetic field strength compared to the cores used in electromagnets one and three.

Who made electromagnets?

William sturgeon

Are electromagnets man made?
