

Best Answer
  1. Simple
  2. Structured
  3. Reduces ambignity
  4. condition and decision relation is clear
  5. used for control, testing and planning
  6. useful technique with many application.
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15y ago
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12y ago

n operations research, specifically in decision analysis, a decision tree (or tree diagram) is a decision support tool that uses a graph or model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. A decision tree is used to identify the strategy most likely to reach a goal. Another use of trees is as a descriptive means for calculating conditional probabilities.

A flow chart is a schematic representation of a sequence of operations, as in a manufacturing process or computer program. Also called flow diagram , flow sheet .

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Amit Sharma

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13y ago

we can not perform complex tax trough the decision tree but we can able to perform it by using decision table.

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Q: Distinguish between flowchart and decision table?
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What is the difference between flowchart and decision table?

flowsheets means the flowchats will be written inthe sheets.. flowcharts means the charts flowsheets means the flowchats will be written inthe sheets.. flowcharts means the charts

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Open ended decision table permits access to another..?

This type of decision table is known as an extended-entry decision table.

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Table wine usually has anywhere between 7 and 15% alcohol by volume, and fortified wine has between 15 and 22% alcohol by volume.

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The periodic table doesn't distinguish between liquids, solids and gases. Any element can exist in any such state depending on the temperature.

What are advantages and disadvantages of decision tables?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Decision Tables:A decision table has a number of advantages which are stated below:(i) A decision table provides a framework for a complete and accurate statement of processing or decision logic. It forces a discipline on the programmer to think through all possible conditions.(ii) A decision table may be easier to construct than a flowchart.(iii) A decision table is compact and easily understood making it very effective for communication between analysts or programmers and non-technical users. Better documentation is provided by it.(iv) Direct conversion of decision table into computer program is possible using available software packages.(v) It is possible to check that all test combinations have been considered.(vi) Alternatives are shown side by side to facilitate analysis of combinations.(vii) The tables show cause and effect relationships.(viii) They use standardized format.(ix) Typists can copy tables with virtually no question or problems.(x) Complex tables can easily be split into simpler tables.(xi) Table users are not required to possess computer knowledge.Disadvantages of using decision tables are as follows:(i)Total sequence - The total sequence is not clearly shown, i.e., no overall picture is given by decision tables as presented by flowcharts.(ii) Logic - Where the logic of a system is simple, flowcharts nearly always serve the purpose better than a decision table.

What is a sentence for decision?

they made their decision at the judge's table

What advantages does decision table have over decision tree?

could u send me the answers for the merits of the decision tables

How can you calculate a minimax regret to make a decision?

To calculate minimax regret, you first need to construct a regret table by determining the regret for each decision in each possible state of nature. Regret is calculated by taking the difference between the payoff of the best decision for a given state of nature and the payoff of the decision being evaluated. Once you have the regret table filled out, find the maximum regret for each decision and then choose the decision with the minimum of these maximum regrets as your optimal decision.