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This function is virtually identical to get(buf, num, delim) version of get ( ). The difference between get(buf, num, delim) andgetline ( ) is that getline ( ) reads and removes the delimiter new - line character from the input stream if it is encountered which is not done by the get ( ) function. Following figure explains the difference between get ( ) and getline ( ) functions :

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Q: Discuss various forms of get function supported by the Input stream How are they used?
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What are the functions of lexical analyzer?

The lexical analyzer function, named after rule declarations, recognizes tokens from the input stream and returns them to the parser.

What is fflush?

The fflush() function writes any buffered data to the specified file stream. When you write data to a file (with a function such as fprintf()), it is actually placed in a memory buffer. The data is only actually written to the file when the buffer is full, the file stream is closed or when fflush() is called.

What is the purpose of a getchar function?

The getchar() function gets a single character from stdin. Here is a very basic example: #include <stdio.h> int main() { char ch; do { ch = getchar(); putchar(ch); } while (ch != ';'); return 0; } It reads from data you input and prints it again of the screen after you press key. It works until it reaches ";" symbol. The getchar() function is equivalent to getc(stdin).

What is seekg?

In C++, seekg is a method/function of the standard fstream library (fstream::seekg()) which allows you to position the 'get' pointer to an arbitrary position within the stream.

What is the function on endl in c plus plus?

std::endl means end line, and is typically used to insert a new-line character in an output stream using the insertion operator (<<). This is really no different to inserting the '\n' character code to the output stream, however it also serves to flush the output buffer by writing all unwritten characters to the output stream. When used as a global function, std:endl(ostream& OS) can be used to insert a new-line character and flush the given output stream. The return value is a reference to the output stream itself thus it can be used in compound statements that make use of the return value.

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