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Pneumatic and hydraulic controls are extensively used in production plants for natural gas. Safety is the reason.

However in earlier times (my only experience) they were subject to zero-point drift.

This may have changed with the application of binary logic to these control systems. Other disadvantages are limited speed, and the lack of industrial support for this branch of logic computation.

In order to keep the site free from electricity, the prime mover motors were steam powered from locally generated steam.

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14y ago
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13y ago
  • High noise levels
  • Oxidation that causes blockages
  • System could be fragile and easy to damage
  • High maintenance
  • Entire system goes down if air supply shuts down.
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13y ago

Benefits. Speed​​. Extension system. Simplicity of the system. Cheapness and abundance of air.

Disadvantages. High voice. Low power.

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