Programmed learning
Programmed learning has been announced as a revolution in educational techniques.
Programmed learning has a long past but only a short history.
Historical background:
1. Contribution of Socrates: Socrates was one of the earliest programmers who
developed a program in Geometry. This was recorded by Plato.
2. Contribution of S.L. Pressey: In Ohio University S.L.Pressey (1926-27) was first to
devise a machine which could teach as well as test.
3. B.F. Skinner's contribution: Programmed learning got historical momentum only
after the publication of Skinner's paper "The Silence of Learning and the Art of
Teaching" in 1954.
4. Contribution of co-workers of Skinner: The associates and co-workers of Prof.
Skinner gave a movement for programmed instruction by publishing a number of
papers on its various aspects based mainly on laboratory experimental observations.
Concept of Programmed Learning
Programmed learning represents a highly individualized and systematic instructional strategy
for class-room instructions as well as self-learning. It is now considered as one of the most
important innovations in the field of education.
Susan Markle's view: "Programmed leaning is a method of designing a reproducible
sequence of instructional events to produce a measurable and consistent effect on behavior of
each and every acceptable student."
Harold W. Bernard's view: "Programmed learning refers to the arrangement of instructional
material in progressive sequences".
Michael J. Apter's view: "Programmed instruction is a method of instruction in which the
information to be taught is broken down into small units which are to be presented to the
student (usually in written form) in a carefully planned sequence. Each unit or 'frame'
contains not only conformation but is also terminated with a question."
View of Smith and Moore: "Programmed instruction is the process of arranging the material
to be leaned into a series of sequential steps. Usually it moves the student from a familiar
background into a complex and net set of concepts, principles and understanding."
View of Espich and Williams: "Programmed instruction is a planned sequence of
experiences leading to proficiency, in terms of response relationship that has proven to be
Edgar Dale's view: "Programmed instruction is systematic, step by step, self-instructional
program aimed to ensure the learning of stated behavior".
In the light of the above definitions it can be concluded that programmed learning is a
method of individualized instructions in which the student receives information relating to
his won needs in progressive sequences but in small units.
Characteristics of Programmed learning:
1. Individualized instructions
2. Logical sequence of material
3. Interaction between the learner and the program
4. Immediate knowledge of results
5. Organized nature of knowledge
6. Learner's own speed
7. Constant evaluation
Principles of programmed learning (F.U.Edward in his book" Programmed
Instruction: Techniques and Trends" classified them as:
Mandatory principles Obligatory principles
1. Objective specification 1.Overt/active responding
2. Empirical testing 2.Immediate feedback
3. Self pacing 3.Small step size
Fundamental Principles of Programmed Learning
1. Principle of small steps
2. Principle of active responding
3. Principle of immediate confirmation
4. Principle of self-pacing
5. Principle of evaluation
Styles of Programming(Types of program)
Prominent important conventional styles of programming are as under:
1. Linear Programming
2. Branching Programming
3. Mathetics
4. Computer-assisted instruction
5. Learner-controlled instruction
Here we shall discuss the first two.
1. Linear or extrinsic style of programming
The linear style of programming was developed by Skinner and his associates(1954).This
is also known as the Skinnerian style of programming. The techniques associated with
this style of programming are based on the principle that the learner's original response
should be gradually altered or shaped until he meets some standard of acceptable
Basic assumptions of linear programming:
1. Activeness
2. Small units
3. Immediate reinforcement
4. Psychological arrangement of a contents
5. Freedom
6. Hindrance by errors
Features or advantages of linear style of programming:
1. Linear arrangement
2. Small steps
3. Controlled responses
4. Response is emphasized
5. Structural responses
6. Active responding
7. Immediate feedback
8. Prompting
9. Self-pacing
10. Minimum errors
11. Simple mechanism
12. Best suited in certain subject areas
13. Discouraging cheating
14. Skip-linear program
Applications of Linear Program: Linear programs have effectively been used in the
following situations:
1. Small children
2. Slow learner
3. Homogenous
4. Hierarchical order
5. Immediate feedback
6. Inadequate initial behavior
7. Difficult material
8. Specific terminology
9. Less motivated teachers
10. Remedial instruction and self-study
11. Complete mastery
Limitations of Linear Style of Programming:
1. Lack of motivation
2. No freedom of choice
3. No development of discriminative power
4. Encouraging guess work
5. Serial order learning
6. Difficulty in finding background
7. Not student centered
8. No specified role of teacher
9. Teacher-proof program
2. Branching or intrinsic style of programming:
The branching or intrinsic style (method) of programming was originated by Norman A.
Crowder. He defined branching programming as a program which adapts to the needs of the
student without the medium of an extrinsic device such as computer.
Branching program may be produced for use on a teaching machine or in a book form. The
book form is known as a 'scrambled text' because the pages do not follow in a normal
Assumptions of Branching Program:
1. Needs of the learner
2. Wholeness of the content
3. Meaningful units
4. Analysis of the task
5. New material
6. No hindrance by errors
7. Remediation
8. Multiple choice items
9. Sufficient freedom
10. Discrimination
Techniques in Branch Programming (types of branching):
1. Backward branching: It is based on the principle of 'repeating the missed frames'. As
shown in the diagram below the learner from frameNo.1 of the main stream goes to frame
No. 2 of the main steam only if he makes a correct choice. But if he makes a wrong
choice, he is led to remedial frame wherein he is given some more help in understanding
the concept and in solving the solution by a better logic. He will be then directed to the
original frame No. 1 so that he can red it again and answer it correctly in the light of the
remedial material he has received. So the learner who has committed error goes through
the same frame twice (once before the remedial material and once after the remedial
2. Forward branching: In the forward branching, whether the learner makes a wrong
choice or correct choice he will always be going to new pages, thus physically
progressing from page to page.
Principles of branching program:
1. Principle of exposition
2. Principle of diagnosis
3. Principle of remediation
Features or characteristics or advantages of branching program:
1. Based on traditional tutorial method
2. Individualized instruction
3. Larger frame
4. Multiple choice questions
5. Freedom to choose path
6. Alertness of learners
7. Detection and correction of errors
8. Development of discrimination and creativity
9. Useful in concept learning
10. Controlled material
11. Psychological and social motivation
12. Easier to develop frames
13. Teaching and instruction
14. Programmed text
Limitations of branching program:
1. Guessing
2. Difficulty in multiple choice questions
3. Difficulty in arranging the branching sequences
4. Unfeasibility of infinite branching
5. Not suitable for small children
6. Inability to control the student
7. Costly
8. Emphasis on remediation
9. No sequence of pages
10. Suitable feedback
11. Programmer's imagination
Linear Programming is used for determining a way to find the best solution or outcome for a given mathematical model represented as a linear relationship.
Advantages of Linear Programming 1.The linear programming technique helps to make the best possible use of available productive resources (such as time, labour, machines etc.) 2. In a production process, bottle necks may occur. For example, in a factory some machines may be in great demand while others may lie idle for some time. A significant advantage of linear programming is highlighting of such bottle necks. Disadvantages of Linear Programming 1. Linear programming is applicable only to problems where the constraints and objective function are linear i.e., where they can be expressed as equations which represent straight lines. In real life situations, when constraints or objective functions are not linear, this technique cannot be used. 2. Factors such as uncertainty, weather conditions etc. are not taken into consideration.
the phenomenon of obtaining a degenerate basic feasible solution in a linear programming problem known as degeneracy.
It doesn't.
you learn linear programming before you learn the transportation problem.
Integer programming is a method of mathematical programming that restricts some or all of the variables to integers. A subset of Integer programming is Linear programming. This is a form of mathematical programming which seeks to find the best outcome in such a way that the requirements are linear relationships.
Integer programming is a subset of linear programming where the feasible region is reduced to only the integer values that lie within it.
1. What do you understand by Linear Programming Problem? What are the requirements of Linear Programming Problem? What are the basic assumptions of Linear Programming Problem?
The cystalline branched polyethylene has got a complex structure than a linear polyethylene.
1. What do you understand by Linear Programming Problem? What are the requirements of Linear Programming Problem? What are the basic assumptions of Linear Programming Problem?
necessity of linear programming on organization.
The strong duality proof for linear programming problems states that if a linear programming problem has a feasible solution, then its dual problem also has a feasible solution, and the optimal values of both problems are equal. This proof helps to show the relationship between the primal and dual problems in linear programming.
Linear programming is a technique for determining the optimum combination of resources to obtain a desired goal. It is based upon the assumption that there is a linear ,or straight line, relationship between variables and that the limits of the variations can be easily determined.
the significance of duality theory of linear programming
Dynamic programming (DP) has been used to solve a wide range of optimizationproblemsWhen solving a problem using linear programming, specific inequalities involving the inputs are found and then an attempt is made to maximize (or minimize) some linear function of the inputs.
Mean filtering is linear but median filtering is non-linear.