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User view: 1) the user view of the computer system varies by the interface being used.

System view: 1)the operating system is a program that is most intimate with computer h/w.

User view: 2)The OS is designed for "ease of use" some attention paid to none paid resource utilization.

System view: 2)we can view an os is resource allocator. The os as act as the manager of the system.

User view: 3) Some user sit at a terminal connected to mainframe or minicomputer. User share resources & may exchange information. That is designed for resource utilization.

System view: 3)os was exist because they are reasonable way to solve the problems at creating a usable Computer system. The goal of pc is to execute user program and make solving problems easier.

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Q: Difference between user view and system view of operating system?
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What is the difference between user documentation and system documentation?

User documentation demonstrates how to best use the product. A system documentation is considered more of a user manual, which is very straightforward, with no opinion.

In IT What is the difference between a user variable and a system variable?

A user variable is a memory which is used in specific function or functionality. A system variable is kinda of generic, accessible to all users of the system. It does not bind to specific process as such.

What is the difference between system call and library function call?

On one level, there is no difference. They are both function calls. The only difference is in what they do. System calls do something the user program cannot do; something having to do with system resources: memory, files, devices, network, terminals, processes etc. However, system calls are usually implemented by library function calls because, at the root of the matter, a C or C++ program can only invoke function calls to call upon the operating system to do things.

What is the main difference between modelling and simulation?

A model is a representation (usually on a smaller scale) of some operating system or construct.It allows the user to predict how changes in that system would affect other parts of the system or operation. Simulation however,is the operation of the model of the system to evaluate the performance of the system.It allows you to optimize the system,to prevent failure and to adjust any parameters within the system being investigated.

Relationship between operating system and windows?

It's blurred (intentionally, by Microsoft). An operating system is the program that allows the computer to communicate with all its parts. Windows is a GUI (graphic user interface) that "allows" humans to operate a computer. Believe it or not, under the pretty pictures, (and that long pause after you turn it on), your computer is still running DOS (or MSDOS : Microsoft disk operating system)

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