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Object Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE) is generally speaking a subset of Software Engineering (SE). OOSE includes all the SE Principles and it just specifies a focus on 'Object Oriented' architecture. It also implies the use of a programming language that supports object orientation (such as C++, Java, etc).

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  • A Programmer writes a complete program
    • a software engineer writes a software component that will be combined with components written by other software engineers to build a system
    • the component one writes may be modified by others
    • it may be used by others to build different versions of the system long after one has left the project
  • Programming is primarily a personal activity
    • Software engineering is essentially a team activity
  • Programming is just one aspect of software development
    • Large software systems must be developed similar to other engineering practices

Eng. Musse Farah Gurey

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Software engineering is a process of designing and writing software. This includes the process of programming, which is the act of creating computer programs (software).

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10y ago

Object oriented software engineering is also known as OOSE for short. OOSE is a subset of software engineering . In OOSE some object oriented features are also inculcated.

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