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Data report it reports data ..

Crystal report it reports crystal thanks


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Q: Difference between Crystal Reports and data report in visual basic?
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Which reports are easy to create rdlc or crystal report in

The reports are easier to create iin crystal report.

What is the difference between reports and queries?

query takes a table and given the criteria entered into it it displays the results that meet that search. While a report just spits out a table in the database

How to get Crystal Report control in VB6?

What version of Crystal reports?Assumptions:If you have Crystal Reports installed on the development machine, then you will already have all the dll's required for your VB6 project.You're using Crystal Reports v8 or v8.5.You will name the crystal report object 'rpt'.Configuring the project:In your VB6 project, Select 'Project'->'Components' and check the checkbox for 'Crystal Report Control' and click 'OK'Open the 'Form' view for the form you are coding and drag the 'Crystal' control onto the form.Coding the project:You can now reference the 'Crystal' object from within your code. Take note of the name of the report object, or change it to something useful.Set the WindowTitle, Connect, ReportFileName and SQLQuery properties to values relevant to your setup.Optionally, you can set the following values: (DiscardSavedData [I recommend setting this to True as it speeds things up in most cases; in fact, I recommend saving your crystal files without any saved data in the first place.], ProgressDialog, and if you have Formulas in the report that you wish to pass in, you can do so using the Formulas(x) property.Once all properties are set, launch the report using the following code:"rpt.Action = 1"Sample code:rpt.WindowTitle = Me.Captionrpt.Connect = "[Insert ADO Connection String here]"rpt.ReportFileName = sReportsDirectory + "\SomeReport.rpt"rpt.DiscardSavedData = Truerpt.ProgressDialog = Truerpt.SQLQuery = "select field1, field2, field3 from tbl1 where field4 = 'Y'"rpt.Action = 1

How do you create a report using VB 6?

You can we the default support provided by vb or use other reporting tools like crystal reports. To use the default support select data report from components. To link the data report to database you will have to include a data environment component, ink the control to the database by selecting its properties and then link this data environment to the data report. You can call the data report the same way other forms are called.

Give an example of technical report?

Technical reports include various information depending on what they pertain to. One example of a technical report is to explain why a piece of equipment failed.

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Which reports are easy to create rdlc or crystal report in

The reports are easier to create iin crystal report.

How do you install crystal reports for php?

how to create report in php

What is the difference between a manager with reports and a manager without reports?

A manager with reports has people who report to him and take direction from her. A manager without reports does not have any people reporting to him.

What is the name of a book which explains how to create a report with Crystal Reports 10?

There are a few books that are available to explain how to create a report with Crystal Reports 10. One such book would be Creating a Report with Crystal Report 10 - For Dummies. This book can be purchased at a local book store such as Chapters or online at websites like Amazon or eBay.

What is the software Crystal Reports XI for?

Crystal Reports is a business intelligence application used to design and generate reports from a wide range of data sources. Crystal Reports is a popular report writer, especially when Microsoft bundled it with Visual Studio versions 2003 through 2008.

Difference between the conclusion of an essay and a conclusion of a report?

Essays and reports are similar, but the implication is that essays are about your own thoughts, and reports involve a greater element of research. Conclusions might be more solidly based in a report than in an essay.

What sort of reports does the Crystal Reports application produce?

Crystal Reports is a software interface that people use to produce report with a minimal amount of written computer codes. It can break down reports from user-defined variables and decode them into HTML, publishing them to the web with relative ease.

What is the difference between a qualified auditors reports and unqualified auditors reports?

A qualified auditor's report has been limited to certain aspects only. This means that other aspects of the report still have to be investigated. An unqualified auditor's report means that all aspects have been thoroughly checked. There are no discrepancies and the report is final.

What is inventory variance report?

An inventory variance report shows the difference between previous recorded inventory quantity and correct inventory quantity which is discovered immediately after a physical count. It also reports on the value difference the quantity variances caused.

How can you use Crystal Reports in PHP?

In order to use Crystal Reports with PHP you need to be running PHP on a Windows server because Crystal Reports is a windows application. Most places will not let this be installed on a shared server but if you have a dedicated server or vps, at a place like, you will be able to install the crystal reports software. Here is the syntax you will use to create report with Crystal Reports on a windows server: $cr=new com("Crystal.CRPE.Application") or die("cannot load cr com"); $rn="F:\notes5\test.rpt"; $rap=$cr->OpenReport($rn);

What is the difference between a research paper and a report paper?

A Research Paper takes all of the information and then does something relevant and original with it. A report finds all the relevant material written or known about an issue and reports it back.

Where can one find good Crystal Reports tutorials?

Crystal reports is a SAP system report that can aid in the product development life cycle. Though hard to master these reports can be a good tool to helping promote the understanding of the product development. new user tutorials can be found on various websites or on you tube.