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Assuming that the pipeline is empty before these 200 instructions and that no branches or other events that necessitate a pipeline flush happen during these 200 instructions, 6 clock cycles to fill the pipeline then 200 clock cycles (total 206 clock cycles). For any branches or other events that necessitate a pipeline flush add another 6 clock cycles to refill the pipeline (if only part of the pipeline flushed this will take fewer clock cycles).

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205 if 1stage = 1 cycle

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Q: Determine the number of clock cycle that it take to process 200 task in a 6 segment pipeline?
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Identify the three pieces of information that should always be printed on a pipeline warning signal?

A. ownership of the pipeline B. emergency phone number C. information about the pipeline contents

What are the application of seven segment display?

A: Seven segment display can give digital number visually from a source like a computer that has binary outputs the number 64 in digital would be 100000 and also can display alphanumeric which is what humans can readily see So basically transfer information from a machine language to human language

How would you obtain a far address from segment and offset address of a memory location?

Pointers to far objects are stored using four bytes (32 bits). The bytes are stored little endian or low to high order. The first word contains the 14-bit memory offset (bits 14 and 15 are always 0). The second word contains the page number (or segment number for function pointers). The memory address is calculated as follows: Variable Address = (Page * 0x4000L) + OffsetFunction Address = (Segment * 0x10000L) + Offset

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What is the difference between instruction pipelining and arithmetic pipelining?

Arithmetic pipelines differ from instruction pipelines in some important ways. They are generally synchronous. This means that each stage executes in a fixed number of clock cycles. In a synchronous pipeline, moreover, no buffering between stages is provided. Each stage must be ready to accept the data passed from a previous stage when that data is produced.Another important difference is that an arithmetic pipeline may be nonlinear. The "stages" in this type of pipeline are associated with key processing components such as adders, shifters, etc. Instead of a steady progression through a fixed sequence of stages, a task in a nonlinear pipeline may use more than one stage at a time, or may return to the same stage at several points in processing.

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The theoretical speedup of a pipeline is calculated as the number of stages in the pipeline. For a 4-stage pipeline, the theoretical speedup would be 4. In this case, with a clock cycle of 20ns and processing 100 tasks, the total time taken to process all tasks would be 20ns * 100 = 2000ns. With a 4-stage pipeline, the time taken to process all tasks would be 2000ns / 4 = 500ns, resulting in a theoretical speedup of 4.

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