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good question - Understand a nerve ok - I like to use an old Oak Tree for example that has no dead leaves - Now the Tree has many branches like a nerve

Now we pluck this tree from the earth and hold it upside down - follow me - and we suspend it upon another old oak tree with no leaves on the earth. So The big Old Oak Tree above is upside down with it's many branches and the other oak tree is on the Ground - the Two trees almost touch but don't - cause of the wind and the atmosphere perhaps even the fog - Now you see the Dendrites and The Nervous System withing the Great Cerebral Commisure - the synapse will be the fog and the humidity on our little jest or journey in time depends on our chemical balance within our synapse that is the wind between the tree

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Minimum voltage required for nerve conduction.

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voltage for starting electronic device function: the minimum voltage that must be applied to an electronic device to produce a particular operating characteristic

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Q: Define threshold voltage
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The three basic elements of electricity are: Voltage Current Resistance

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It is difficult to define the value which may cause death. I think it the voltage which is dangerous. Approximately a voltage of 50V is dangerous for heart.

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