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to create a new Java array use

typeName[] arrayName = new typeName[10];

This gives an array with 10 elements.

To set the elements you can use

arrayName[index] = value;

Remember that the index number starts at 0, so the array will only go to index 9.

You can also declare the contents when the array is created

typeName[] arrayName = {value1, vaue2, ...}

The values used in the array must be objects. In java 5+ you can use primitive types with no concern due to auto-boxing.

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Object[] array = new Object[10];

// or...

Object array[] = new Object[10];

(note the declaration's [] placement can be either after the type or name of the field)

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How do you initialize an array variable in java program?

An array in java is a collection of items stored into a single unit. The array has some number of slots (elements), each slot in the array can hold an object or a primitive value. Arrays in java are objects that can be treated just like other objects in the languageArrays can contain any type of element value , but we can't store different types in a single array. We can have an array of integers or an array of strings or an array of arrays.To create an array in java ,use three steps1. Declare a variable to hold the array2. Create a new array object and assign it to the array variable3. Store things in that array

How can you initialize an array in Java?

If you refering to Object then String[] something=new String[2]; Here you have to remember that something only allocated space for 2 String object but it did not created them yet. By default Objects are intantiated to null so if you try to print the content of an array System.out.println(something[0]);//print null System.out.println(something[0].toLowerCase()); Throws NullPointerException Couple other ways to create Arrays In java String[] something=new String[]{"Me","You"}; String[] something={"Me", "You"};

How do you use subscripts with an array?

An array is a list of several related elements. You use the subscript to specify which element you want to access. For example, in Java you might have an array called myArray, with 10 elements (numbered from 0 to 9); myArray[3] would access the fourth element in the array. A variable may be used instead of a constant.

Can you help me with the C plus plus code of the program which has 10 index of array it adds 5 into every even elements of the array and then it subtracts 10 into the odd elements of the array?

int array[10] = {...}; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) array[i] += 5; else array[i] -= 10; }

You can use a variable to declare an array's size true or false?

True and false in the same time, because even so you can declare array size using notation for variables you have use constwhich makes your variable basically a constant:const int arraySize = 10;In Java, you can use any expression to define the array size, when you create the array. Once you create an Array object, however, you can't redimension it - but you can create a new Array object and destroy the old one.

Related questions

How do you initialize an array variable in java program?

An array in java is a collection of items stored into a single unit. The array has some number of slots (elements), each slot in the array can hold an object or a primitive value. Arrays in java are objects that can be treated just like other objects in the languageArrays can contain any type of element value , but we can't store different types in a single array. We can have an array of integers or an array of strings or an array of arrays.To create an array in java ,use three steps1. Declare a variable to hold the array2. Create a new array object and assign it to the array variable3. Store things in that array

How can you initialize an array in Java?

If you refering to Object then String[] something=new String[2]; Here you have to remember that something only allocated space for 2 String object but it did not created them yet. By default Objects are intantiated to null so if you try to print the content of an array System.out.println(something[0]);//print null System.out.println(something[0].toLowerCase()); Throws NullPointerException Couple other ways to create Arrays In java String[] something=new String[]{"Me","You"}; String[] something={"Me", "You"};

How can two single dimensional array values be stored in a third single dimensional array?

You need to create a new array with enough elements to cater for both arrays. Thus if the first array has 10 elements and the second has 5, you must create a 15 element array to store both. You then copy elements from the first array into the third and immediately follow with the elements from the second. Note that the first two arrays must be of the same type. You cannot combine an array of numeric values with an array of strings, for instance.

How do you use subscripts with an array?

An array is a list of several related elements. You use the subscript to specify which element you want to access. For example, in Java you might have an array called myArray, with 10 elements (numbered from 0 to 9); myArray[3] would access the fourth element in the array. A variable may be used instead of a constant.

Can you help me with the C plus plus code of the program which has 10 index of array it adds 5 into every even elements of the array and then it subtracts 10 into the odd elements of the array?

int array[10] = {...}; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) array[i] += 5; else array[i] -= 10; }

What is an error in java?

An error or more commonly known as an Exception is a situation where the java program behaves in a way it is not supposed to do so. It is a problem in the code that is causing the JVM to terminate or throw error messages in the console. Ex: When you initialize an array list with 10 elements and try to access the 11th element in the array list you will get an array index out of bounds exception.

You can use a variable to declare an array's size true or false?

True and false in the same time, because even so you can declare array size using notation for variables you have use constwhich makes your variable basically a constant:const int arraySize = 10;In Java, you can use any expression to define the array size, when you create the array. Once you create an Array object, however, you can't redimension it - but you can create a new Array object and destroy the old one.

How do you create an element in an array using C plus plus program?

If this is a homework related question, you really should consider trying to solve it yourself before looking at this answer. Otherwise, the value of the lesson, and the reinforcement provided by the assignment, will be lost to you. You do not create individual elements of arrays in C or C++. You create the array, and then reference the elements. Say you want to create a 10 x 20 array of floats. You would declare float MyFloatArray[10][20]. You would then reference the elements, such as MyFloatArray[3][8]. Note that 10 and 20 are the number of elements in each direction, but the valid range of indices is 0 to 9 and 0 to 19, respectively.

What is a example of a array?

An ordered array is simply an array where all elements are in sorted order: int a[] = {3, 6, 9, 10, 15, 21}; // ordered array An array can either be initialised with ordered elements or the elements may be sorted after initialisation. When inserting new elements into an ordered array, the order must be maintained.

What is the container object that holds a fixed number of values of single type?

There are multiple answers to this question, but the most basic one common to both Java and C is the array. An array is a simple structure that you initialize to a certain size and fill with data. Think of an array as a sort of list, where each element in the list is numbered starting from zero up to the list size minus one (or the array is zero-based, as it's also called). In Java: // 10 is the number of elements the array can hold int[] myIntArray = new int[10]; myIntArray[0] = 2; // The first element in the array myIntArray[9] = 4; // The last element in the array Referencing myIntArray[10] or higher will cause a runtime error in Java, which may stop your program. In C: // 10 is the number of elements the array can hold int myIntArray[10]; myIntArray[0] = 2; // The first element in the array myIntArray[9] = 4; // The last element in the array Referencing myIntArray[10] or higher results in a buffer overflow in C (and C++). Note that in C, this won't throw errors like they do in Java, and this can and very likely will cause your program to have random bugs and possibly even crash from a segmentation fault, so be a bit more careful about using arrays in C.

How do you access and store the elements of array?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main(void) { int a[10],i;//array declaration clrscr(); printf("\n enter the elements of array"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); printf("\n the elements you enter into the array"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%5d",a[i]); getch(); return 0; }

Why should all of the elements in an array have the same data type?

Yes all of the elements in array must be the same type. Because when you define an array you specify the type of data it will hold. Examples in C: int IntArray[10]; // an array of 10 integers double FloatArray[20]; // array of 20 double floating point numbers