Yes, since it can only play in some computers and not all computers can read it. Every Java application needs a minimum system configuration requirement which if not met, the machine will not be able to run Java.
Java the language itself is NOT machine dependent.
To run a program written in Java, it depends on an implementation of the Java Virtual Machine specification existing for a given machine/OS platform. Thus, a program written in Java can be run on any OS/machine platform for which a JVM has been created.
Yes, in the sense that it is implemented for a specific platform, a JVM is often platform dependent. The benefit of having a JVM is that, at least in theory, it makes Java programming platform agnostic, allowing the same code to run on any platform without modification.
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That's because that's the way Java is designed. Java programs are compiled to be run on a special program that interprets it - the Java Virtual Machine. The reason it is designed this way is because it allows Java programs to run on just about any computer - despite the fact that different computers have different sets of machine instructions. It is well possible to write programs that run without requiring support of specific programs - but such programs will only run on specific computers.
You must have the Java Run-time Environment installed on your computer. Steps: 1. Open Command Prompt 2. Enter the command: javac 3. Enter the command: java <classfilename> (without the .java or .class extension) The javac command will compile your java source file and create a class file. The java command will execute or run your java class file.
The whole idea of Java - or one of the ideas, at any rate - is that it can be run anywhere. So, instead of compiling for a specific processor, the Java compiler compiles for a "generic processor", called the Java Virtual Machine. The code thus generated is called "bytecode". It can be interpreted (i.e., run) by a Java Virtual machine, these are available on different platforms.The whole idea of Java - or one of the ideas, at any rate - is that it can be run anywhere. So, instead of compiling for a specific processor, the Java compiler compiles for a "generic processor", called the Java Virtual Machine. The code thus generated is called "bytecode". It can be interpreted (i.e., run) by a Java Virtual machine, these are available on different platforms.The whole idea of Java - or one of the ideas, at any rate - is that it can be run anywhere. So, instead of compiling for a specific processor, the Java compiler compiles for a "generic processor", called the Java Virtual Machine. The code thus generated is called "bytecode". It can be interpreted (i.e., run) by a Java Virtual machine, these are available on different platforms.The whole idea of Java - or one of the ideas, at any rate - is that it can be run anywhere. So, instead of compiling for a specific processor, the Java compiler compiles for a "generic processor", called the Java Virtual Machine. The code thus generated is called "bytecode". It can be interpreted (i.e., run) by a Java Virtual machine, these are available on different platforms.
Instead of compiling to machine language, the Java compiler compiles for a "ficticious processor". A program called the Java Virtual Machine then interprets this on every machine. Note that Java is NOT an interpreted language. It is solely a compiled language. Java source code is always run through a compiler (typically 'javac') to be turned into bytecode. This is identical behavior as any other compiled language. The confusion is that Java bytecode is usually run on a Java Virtual Machine, which itself may both act as an interpreter and a compiler for the native instruction set the JVM runs on. However, the Java language itself is NOT dependent on how this bytecode is run - in fact, it is possible (and has been done) to build a hardware machine that runs Java bytecode directly.
Java is a platform independent language.After compiling the ".java" file ,that will be converting into the ".class" file,which is a byte code having the capability run on any OS.Basing on the concept byte code java achieving the platform independent,it leads to "Write once run anywhere".
That's because that's the way Java is designed. Java programs are compiled to be run on a special program that interprets it - the Java Virtual Machine. The reason it is designed this way is because it allows Java programs to run on just about any computer - despite the fact that different computers have different sets of machine instructions. It is well possible to write programs that run without requiring support of specific programs - but such programs will only run on specific computers.
You must have the Java Run-time Environment installed on your computer. Steps: 1. Open Command Prompt 2. Enter the command: javac 3. Enter the command: java <classfilename> (without the .java or .class extension) The javac command will compile your java source file and create a class file. The java command will execute or run your java class file.
You will no longer be able to run Java programs.
Basically, any program developed with the Java programming language requires Java to be installed on the user's machine. The advantage of doing this is that such a program can run on a large variety of machines.
native code is machine code each machine has its won set of istruction one machine's native code won't run on another While bytecode is what java produces and it can run on any machine. when we run bytecode it first get to compile to machine code and then get to run.
The whole idea of Java - or one of the ideas, at any rate - is that it can be run anywhere. So, instead of compiling for a specific processor, the Java compiler compiles for a "generic processor", called the Java Virtual Machine. The code thus generated is called "bytecode". It can be interpreted (i.e., run) by a Java Virtual machine, these are available on different platforms.The whole idea of Java - or one of the ideas, at any rate - is that it can be run anywhere. So, instead of compiling for a specific processor, the Java compiler compiles for a "generic processor", called the Java Virtual Machine. The code thus generated is called "bytecode". It can be interpreted (i.e., run) by a Java Virtual machine, these are available on different platforms.The whole idea of Java - or one of the ideas, at any rate - is that it can be run anywhere. So, instead of compiling for a specific processor, the Java compiler compiles for a "generic processor", called the Java Virtual Machine. The code thus generated is called "bytecode". It can be interpreted (i.e., run) by a Java Virtual machine, these are available on different platforms.The whole idea of Java - or one of the ideas, at any rate - is that it can be run anywhere. So, instead of compiling for a specific processor, the Java compiler compiles for a "generic processor", called the Java Virtual Machine. The code thus generated is called "bytecode". It can be interpreted (i.e., run) by a Java Virtual machine, these are available on different platforms.
Instead of compiling to machine language, the Java compiler compiles for a "ficticious processor". A program called the Java Virtual Machine then interprets this on every machine. Note that Java is NOT an interpreted language. It is solely a compiled language. Java source code is always run through a compiler (typically 'javac') to be turned into bytecode. This is identical behavior as any other compiled language. The confusion is that Java bytecode is usually run on a Java Virtual Machine, which itself may both act as an interpreter and a compiler for the native instruction set the JVM runs on. However, the Java language itself is NOT dependent on how this bytecode is run - in fact, it is possible (and has been done) to build a hardware machine that runs Java bytecode directly.
A Java program should run on any platform (hardware + operating system) for which a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed. Unlike the "C" language, the size of data items in Java does not depend on the platform; for example, an int will always have a size of 32 bits, no matter how the underlying computer hardware is organized.A Java program should run on any platform (hardware + operating system) for which a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed. Unlike the "C" language, the size of data items in Java does not depend on the platform; for example, an int will always have a size of 32 bits, no matter how the underlying computer hardware is organized.A Java program should run on any platform (hardware + operating system) for which a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed. Unlike the "C" language, the size of data items in Java does not depend on the platform; for example, an int will always have a size of 32 bits, no matter how the underlying computer hardware is organized.A Java program should run on any platform (hardware + operating system) for which a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is installed. Unlike the "C" language, the size of data items in Java does not depend on the platform; for example, an int will always have a size of 32 bits, no matter how the underlying computer hardware is organized.
Java is a platform independent language.After compiling the ".java" file ,that will be converting into the ".class" file,which is a byte code having the capability run on any OS.Basing on the concept byte code java achieving the platform independent,it leads to "Write once run anywhere".
No. Java programs run in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) - without it your computer won't know how to handle Java bytecode.
Any computer (desktop or laptop) can run Java.
That refers to programming languages, and specifically to languages that run on many different platforms. An example is Java, which runs on any machine and operating system that has a special program (the JVM, Java Virtual Machine) designed for that "platform".