Approximately 10,000 ohms.
A cement resistor is typically used as a power resistor (a resistor whose power rating is greater than 1 W).
To limit the current
current limiter.
BASIC MULTIMIETER OPERATION BASIC MULTIMETER INFORMATIONMultimeter is a measuring instrument. It can be used to measure voltage, current and resistance. An analog meter moves a needle along a scale. The function of the meter can be changed by switching the dial. Most modern multimeters are digital. Similar to analog ones, digital multimeter has a dial to select its function. However, instead of having to interpret the reading of an analog scale, the data is shown directly in digital format on the LCD display. BASIC MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES 1. Before using the multimeter, estimate the value you will measure, make sure it is within the range that the multimeter can measure or withstand. NEVER USE THE METER BEYOND ITS CAPABILTY. 2. Choose to the function you want to use by switching the dial. Turn on the power. 3. When measuring voltage, connect the BLACK probe (COM) to the ground (0V), and the RED probe to the node you want to check. When measuring resistor, first make sure the resistor is not connected to any other component or power supply, then connect the probes to the two ends of the resistor. 4. Two alligator clips can be used with probes. For your safety, alligator clips MUST be used when measuring any voltage more than 36V. They can also be used to free your hands by clipping the probes onto the circuit. Put the alligator clips back in the box after each use. 5. Read the data on the display, remember the units. 6. Turn off the power when you are done. MULTIMETER TROUBLESHOOTING 1. Is the BLACK probe in the COM plug? 2. Is the RED probe in the correct plug? 3. Is the function dial turned to the correct position? 4. Is the power of the multimeter on? *** WORD OF CAUTION AND DISCLAIMER*** ALWAYS USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN USING ANY TYPE OF METER.OR WORKING WITH ELECTRICITY. NEVER-NEVER-NEVER HOLD THE METER WHILE TESTING IN CASE OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK- PLACE THE METER DOWN ON SOMETHING THAT IS NON-CONDUCTIVE, AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE GROUNDED PROPERLY. NEVER DO ANY ELECTRICAL TESTING WITHOUT PROPER FOOTWEAR OR INCLEMENT WEATHER. *** IF YOU ARE EVER IN DOUBT OF WHAT TO DO, CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICIAN.
How can you see a 1 ohm resistor on a 100k scale ?
yes you can! you can use a multimeter and a resistor.
ohm the resister with a multimeter
Multimetres are generaly used to measure the following quantities. Voltage: multimeter is connected in parallel with the Load; Current: multimeter is connected in series with Load; Resistance: the resistor must be taken out of the circuit first, then, the probes from the multimeter are connected across the resistor,
A multimeter combines the functions of an ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter and, so, can be used to measure current, voltage, and resistance by selecting the appropriate scale/setting.
A: NO the only way is to lift one lead and measure.
a resistor , two multimeter ,
A multimeter set to measure current (in amperes or milliamperes) would be connected in series to the resistor to measure the current flowing through it. The multimeter would be placed in series with the resistor to accurately measure the current passing through it.
Approximately 10,000 ohms.
Resistor is behind glove box (Push inward on glove box hinges to release) Pull out both sets of wires from resistor plug-in. (push release clips on both sets to pull out wires) Remove 2 small screws holding the resistor. Remove the resistor ( test the wire that has the small diode ) with a multimeter to ensure it has power on both sides of the diode. If there is current on your multmeter the resistor is okay...... if no current is present on your multimeter the diode is burnt and the resistor unit needs replacement.
forcing a constant current and measuring the voltage across the unknown resistor.